Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1



Dear ambassador... persona non grata

Skripal assassination attempt recognised by West as a Kremlin

sanctioned act and leads to the expulsion of nearly 150

unregistered ‘diplomats’ (intelligence officers) by UK allies

erhaps a little surprisingly, the
international community re-
sponded robustly to the poisoning
of Sergei Skripal and his daughter
Yulia. In addition to the United
PStates, France and Germany - the
first to take a stand, the EU’s 27 leaders
unanimously backed the UK’s assessment
that the Kremlin was directly responsible for
the assassination attempt.

While denying any part in the poisoning of the
Skripals (direct or indirect), Russia in recent
years has built a reputation of flouting
international norms, notably with its 2014
annexation of Crimea, the shooting down of a
Malaysian passenger plane over eastern
Ukraine, and multiple instances of cyber
warfare. In all cases, Russia simply re-
sponded with a denial, an alternative con-
spiracy theory or placing blame elsewhere.
Either way, few outside the intelligence
community really understand the prowess of

Russia and its powerful intelligence collection
system... and global reach.


Britain’s Defence Minister Gavin Williamson
said: “The world’s patience is wearing rather
thin with President Putin and his actions.” He
said this was evidenced by the fact that “right
across the NATO alliance and across the
European Union, nations have stood up in
suppor t of the United Kingdom.” He believes
the response was the best that the UK could
ever have received. “Their (the Kremlin’s)
intention is to divide and what we are seeing is
the world uniting behind the British stance and
that in itself is a great victory and sends an
exceptionally powerful message to the Kremlin
and President Putin.”

Vladimir Inozemtsev, a Russian scholar at the
Polish Institute of Advanced Studies in
Warsaw, agreed: “The attempted murder of Mr
Skripal on British soil was the straw that broke
the camel’s back. Western leaders finally
decided that enough is enough because
Moscow has played the denial game so many
times and showed no real interest in establish-
ing the truth.”

America’s response was dramatic. A senior
US administration official said: “We stand in
solidarity with America’s closest ally, the
United Kingdom. To the Russian government
we say: ‘When you attack our friends you will
face serious consequences.’” President Trump
expelled 60 Russian diplomats - 48 based at
the Russian Embassy and 12 at Russia’s
United Nations’ mission. The Russian
consulate in Seattle will also be closed.

Gavin Williamson
“delighted” with
response President Trump

A White House statement read: ‘The actions
make the United States safer by reducing
Russia’s ability to spy on Americans and to
conduct covert operations that threaten
America’s national security. With these steps,
the United States and our allies and partners
make clear to Russia that its actions have
consequences. The United States stands
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