Your Business – May 01, 2018

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-Exploring the gap

An idea is "a thought or collections of
thoughts that generate in the mind. An
idea is usually generated with intent."
Reality, on the other hand, is defined
in the dictionary as "the state of things
as they actually exist, as opposed to an
idealistic or notional idea." For most of
us, we daydream about what we want
to achieve, or where we want to be, in
the future, and by doing that we are
able to find our 'idea'. These ideas can
be based on the lives of our heroes, or
come from within, in terms of an interest
or love for something that captures our
imagination, our passion and our hearts.
Think for a moment on someone like the
Wright Brothers. There was no-one who
had flown before them, they did not
have anyone to emulate, but they had
an idea and a dream and they had an
unflinching belief, not only in that idea,
but also in themselves and what they
were able to achieve.

The fine line
That said of course, there are those
few individuals who insist on living in a
fantasy world. Never allowing the reality
of life to touch their make-believe lives.
No words of caution or pleas will change
them and to those I say "It's your life
and you are entitled to live it the way
you see fit." I, on the other hand prefer
to live in the real world, where there are
facts and figures as opposed to fiction
or perceptions and expectations that are
too far-fetched to meet reality. That said I
really do believe that without our dreams,
goals cannot be set or met and success
will never be attained.

In fact, I believe in dreams to such an
extent, that I actually schedule some
"dreamtime" into my diary on a weekly
basis. There is nothing more fulfilling
that visualising where I want to be in a
month's time or a year's time or five years
from now. I see myself doing what I want
or being where I want to be – meeting
with those special clients and then seeing
them excited about what it is that I am

How do some people manage to bring their dreams

to fruition, while others never seem to release them

from their imagination? Nikki viljoen sheds some

light to help us all...

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