Your Business – May 01, 2018

(singke) #1

A culture of intrapreneurship means an empowered workforce that is ready to step up

and help grow your business. And, who wouldn't want that?

Steve Reid

"Intrapreneurs" – employees who are
constantly looking for ways to make
improvements, introduce new initiatives
or change the way a company works

  • are important to have alongside you
    when building a successful business.
    Indeed, studies have shown that
    intrapreneurial companies outperform
    non-intrapreneurial companies in critical
    areas, like sales growth, profitability and
    market share. It's clear that if you want
    to keep on growing and innovating,
    you'll need to encourage a culture of
    intrapreneurship in your business.

Employee engagement levels have hardly
moved in almost two decades. Research
company Gallup, which has been tracking
employee engagement since 2000, says
that while there have been some slight
ebbs and flows, "less than one-third of US
employees have been engaged in their jobs
and workplaces during these 17 years".

These employees have direct contact
with your customers, competitors and

stakeholders. And, are often best-
positioned to assess what's really going
on at the coalface and how to respond in
order to improve results. By encouraging
intrapreneurial thinking in your company,
you can empower your people to actively
pursue those ideas with the highest
potential of adding real value to the
bottom line.

Consumers can be great advocates of
brands they love, but you can't buy that
loyalty. You have to earn it by being
transparent and caring. Consider these four

How to convert employees


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