Your Business – May 01, 2018

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or overcome challenges. You need to find ways to really add
value to make the additional expense worthwhile. Also make
sure your pricing is fair and competitive, without selling
yourself short.

For example, one of the products we upsell at Yellow Door
Collective is a succinct, professional and beautifully designed
Company Profile document. This is useful for businesses to
have on file to send to suppliers, investors and a whole host
of other partners; rather than sending them an overview of
the brand via email each time.

Paint a picture

To excel at upselling, you need to help customers visualise
the value they will get from the higher-priced item. Whether
it's a 30-second video, an infographic, or a well worded email

  • take the time to explain not only what the product is, but
    how it will benefit them or their business.


Giving away a reward or incentive can increase your upsell/
cross-sell conversion rate. For example if you have an online
store, you can offer free shipping above a certain price point.
You could also offer a discount if they purchase two or more
products or services.


Ensure your team has the knowledge and expertise to
implement or create the relevant service or product. Another
great option is to find a non-competing service provider
to complement your offering and agree on a referral or
commission structure. This way you can expand your offering
without increasing the number of staff you employ.

In closing, remember that there's more to upselling and
cross-selling than just pitching add-on products. Focus
on your customers' needs, and then craft your approach
accordingly. Try to upsell quality rather than quantity.

Emma Donovan and Dominique Sandwith joined forces in 2014,
when they founded Cape Town based digital agency Yellow Door
Collective. With her big picture thinking and ambitious ideas,
Emma ensures that YDC keeps growing without losing touch of their
values. She keeps their clients happy while always looking for new
opportunities, and still manages to stay on top of her day-to-day
tasks without breaking a sweat.

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