Your Business – May 01, 2018

(singke) #1

Out with the old, in with the new

Change management tips to keep things running smoothly in your business...

Terine Lott-Cupido

The marketplace is changing at a
rapid pace. Businesses are required to
continuously evolve, in order to outwit the
competition. Each function and process
should thus be carefully evaluated to see
how it can be improved to contribute
to both internal and external customer
satisfaction -the long-term survival of
your business depends on it. Adopting
a pragmatic approach to implementing
change is key. Here are some tips to help
you get started:

▪^ Understand the change
Stakeholders, such as investors and
employees, need to understand the reason
why the change is being implemented. The
need for change must be clearly articulated
in order to assist with creating a shared
vision. Use the following questions to
guide you:

What process must change?
Why is it important? Here it is important
to state the facts and the benefits of the
change must also be highlighted.
How will the change affect the
stakeholders and how will it be
When will the change be implemented?

▪^ Get Top Management buy-in
Your top management staff must be
committed to the change initiative. Leaders
of the business must lead by example
through their actions.

▪^ Identify change champions
Change champions are employees that
assist in communicating and implementing

Terine Lott-Cupido is the Managing
Director at EmpowerLink Services, a
Human Resources consulting company,
focused on providing HR solutions to
small business. For more information

the change effort. They must be identified
and involved in bringing about the
change from the onset. It is important to
establish their buy-in before the actual
implementation of the change initiative.

▪^ Policies and Procedures
Policies and procedures must be reviewed
and aligned to ensure that the change
initiative is incorporated and embedded
within the procedures of the business.
Using the previous example, once the
change champions are identified, ensure
that the induction procedures are updated
where applicable. Thereafter train the
relevant staff on how to apply the updated
policies and procedures.

▪^ Develop a communication
A communication strategy details how
staff and key role players will be informed
of the change initiative. There should
be formal communication at different
phases of the change initiative; prior to the
implementation, during the implementation
and post implementation phase of the
change initiative. Using different forms of
communication can also help reinforce the
change initiative and assist with addressing
misinformation and resistance to change.
For example, having a team briefing and
then posting a written notice detailing the
key points discussed.

▪^ Participation
All the experts on change management
strongly recommend involvement. For
example, sharing the need for the change,
the benefits and asking staff for their input
on how they believe the change can be
implemented. This should be done prior to

the change being implemented and staff
should be given sufficient time to give
their input.

Manage resistance to change
There will always be some form of
resistance to change, for a variety of
reasons. Whether it is due to the fear of
change or simply because your employees
are in a comfort zone; it needs to be
addressed. Tips could be for example,
firstly to adopt a positive approach despite
resistance and negativity, listen to reasons
for resistance, reiterate the shared vision,
assist with training, and use their feedback
to further improve the change initiative
and also to promote involvement.

▪^ Trial
Trial the change initiative for a period of
time, and then ask for feedback from the
various parties involved. Do your best to
incorporate this feedback, in so much as it
falls in lines with your business's policies
and procedures.

Change is at the heart of meeting your
evolving customer expectations. Your
business' ability to adapt and align your
product and service offering to the
changing expectations of your clients, is
key to facilitating your business survival
in the long run. Good luck with your
change efforts.
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