Your Business – May 01, 2018

(singke) #1

How to make

your website work for you

Have the right mechanisms in place to generate sales from your online platform...

Trust Gumise

A website is the first level of marketing
any business can use. It acts as a first
point of contact between a business and
a potential client – when someone hears
about a certain business of interest or
if they search for a service or product
on the internet, the first thing they do
before they call is to check the website
provided by the search results. So, as
your website is the most visible part
of your business to potential clients, it
needs to give a clear picture of who you
are and how you operate, before they
even call you or visit your office.

A website is a digital form of your
company profile with added features that
make it easy for the client to interact with
you. On your website a client should be
able to complete a form with their details
so that you can contact them at a time of
convenience, buy products, sign up for
events, book for appointments, register
for your services, and most recently chat
to clients in real time! The list is endless.

Recent technologies have allowed
us to be able to utilise a drag and
drop mechanism in building websites.
Technologies like WordPress have made

it easy to build a website, just take a
theme and add content then voila! You
have a website. The truth of the matter is
it's not that easy. A website is made up of
various moving parts that work together
to create that remarkable outcome we
see on our computer screens. There
are two main parts to a website, The
Frontend and the Backend.

▪ The Frontend is what we interact with
when we visit a website on our mobile
phone or laptop. It is made up of text,
images, shapes and colours. All these
different parts come together to form a
visually appealing, easy to use website.
Frontend designers are usually people
who understand the psychology of
your clients, have a keen eye for detail,
are able to produce visually appealing
designs and can make it as painless as
possible for your clients to navigate
around your websites. Designers are
not always developers. All they do is
just come up with a perfect design
with regards to your business goals and
your client's trends when it comes to
interaction on the internet.

▪ The Backend is where most of the
dirty work is. The backend is not visible

to the end user. Databases, API's, and
other services link to the website via the
backend. The backend contains what we
call the logic of the website. '

6 WAYS to generate more
sales via your website:


Engage your clients
There is nothing that beats a great
landing page experience. Easy navigation,
clear major points to note, direct call to
action sections, summarised important
text with easy redirection to additional
resource pages, easy-to –see important
features and perfect colour balance.
These are some of the things that capture
the intended audience and will make
clients stay longer on your website.


Add video content
You can never go wrong with videos
on your website. The truth of the matter
is, consumers may prefer information in
video format to information that comes
in form of text. Who can blame them?
Brains process visual information faster
than text. So why read when you can
simply sit back, watch and listen? If your
company website lacks in video content,

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