The Economist Asia Edition - June 09, 2018

(ff) #1

38 Middle East and Africa The EconomistJune 9th 2018


2 reform. But Getachew Teklemariam, a con-
sultant and former government adviser, ar-
gues that simply selling minority stakes in
public monopolies is insufficient. “It’s only
the ownership structure which will
change,” he says. “The rules of the game
are the same.” Others fret that hasty priva-
tisations might be marred by corruption.
The question is whether Mr Abiy has a
vision for the economy beyond the part-
sale of public enterprises. Ethiopia still has
no stockmarket. The banking industry,
which will remain off-limits to foreigners,
is overdue a shake-up, for instance by al-
lowing management contracts with for-
eign banks. The foreign-exchange regime,
which allocates currency to industries the
government wants to support, is riddled
with graft. Businesses are hobbled by red
tape. Conglomerates owned by the army
and party dominate much of the economy.
Market reforms, as well as a new ap-
proach to peace with Eritrea, had been un-
der discussion within theruling coalition
for many months before Mr Abiy took of-
fice. But he has brought an urgency to deci-
sion-making that had been lacking ever
since the death of Meles six yearsago.
“These are pretty much the decisions of
the politburo taken five months ago,” says
one Ethiopian analyst. “The difference is
the pace of change.” 7


ARIS GIDWELL unwinds the ban-
dage from her forearm and removes
a wooden splint. Two fingers are missing.
Her arm shakes as she tells how, as dawn
broke, she heard shouts warning the resi-
dents of Lawaru, in Adamawa state in
north-east Nigeria, to flee. She ran towards
a neighbouring village with her 25-year-
old son. Tragically, men wielding machetes
caught them. They robbed and wounded
Ms Gidwell, and murdered her son.
The attack on Lawaru and its surround-
ing villages was probably carried out by
nomadic Fulani herdsmen, a group that is
scattered across much of west Africa’s
semi-arid Sahel, from Mali to the Central
African Republic. Many of those killed
were sedentary farmers, mostly from the
Bachama tribe. The incident is part of a
growing wave of violence between no-
mads and farmers that has ebbed and
flowed across Nigeria’s central “Middle
Belt” since at least 2011.
Although strife between herdsmen and
farmers dates back centuries, it has escalat-

ed sharply as climate change pushes herd-
ers south. Clashes are deadlier, too, thanks
to guns looted from the arsenals of Libya’s
former dictator, Muammar Qaddafi, and
smuggledaround the region.
The fighting is stretching a government
that is also trying to contain a jihadist in-
surgency in the north-east and banditry in
the oil-rich Niger Delta. Violence in the
Middle Belt, which is about a third of Nige-
ria’s land mass, is every bit as brutal.
In the past year armed Fulani groups
have surpassed Boko Haram, a jihadist
group, as the deadliest threat to civilians.
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data
Project (ACLED), a non-profit organisation,
estimates that armed Fulani men have
killed almost1,000 civilians this year; Boko
Haram have slaughtered 200 or so.
The fighting aggravates religious ten-
sions in a country with a perilous north-
south, Muslim-Christian divide. Most Fu-
lani herders are Muslim; most of the farm-
ers they attack are Christian. In April two
Catholic priests were killed in Benue state,
along with 17 congregants. The massacre
provoked national protests. “One spark
could ignite a flame that no one can extin-
guish,” says an aid worker trying to reduce
intercommunal violence.
That spark may well come from the gov-
ernment. Ms Gidwell says that, after her
village was attacked on December 4th, resi-
dents who tried to help her were fired on
by a Nigerian militaryhelicopter. The chief
of a neighbouring village says his palace
was destroyed in an air strike after the
herdsmen had left. Amnesty International,
a watchdog, says that Nigeria’s air force
killed at least 35 people fleeing Fulani at-
tacks. An air force spokesman initially
claimed that only “warning shots” were
fired. Later he said that a helicopter and
fighter jet had returned fire at “hoodlums”.
That Nigeria is using the air force to sep-
arate warring communities suggests that
the police cannot cope. It would help if
they sorted out their priorities. On paper
Nigeria has about 300,000 police, but per-
haps half of them guard the homes, offices

and convoys of political bigwigs.
The general lack of security also afflicts
Fulanis, who say they have taken up arms
to protect themselves.Indeed,just weeks
before the raid on Lawaru that injured Ms
Gidwell, at least 50 unarmed Fulanis, most
of them children, were killed in an attack
they blamed on farmers.
Nigeria’s government is often bad at
easing tensions. Some states, such as Be-
nue, have passed laws that ban herdsmen
from grazing cattle on open land. Promi-
nent southern Christians such as Wole
Soyinka, an author and Nobel laureate,
think the ban does not go far enough. They
want Fulani herdsmen to be declared ter-
rorists. That would give the police greater
powers to restrict their movement. Many
northerners think such a ban would infuri-
ate herders and fuel further conflict.
A more promising approach is being
tried in states such as Plateau, where offi-
cials are attempting to revive and protect
traditional grazing reserves and routes.
Many of these date back centuries but have
been encroached on by farmers as Nige-
ria’s population has expanded. Plateau
state has also been praised for organising
peace talks and mediating between hostile
groups. Things do not have to fall apart. But
the government needs to urge people to
talk rather than reach for their guns. 7

Conflict in the Middle Belt

Wild fire

Nigeria is failing to contain a bitter
conflict between farmers and herders











Gulf of

States withsharia


250 km

Fulani militia attacks
Fatalities, January 1st-
May 31st 2018
Source: ACLED




HE sudden, violent death of a man
who had prospered for decades from
oil brokering in Africa is not necessarily
suspicious. Ely Calil was Nigerian-born, of
Lebanese descent, and well known to Afri-
can presidents, European ministers and
Western oil firms. He died on May 28th, re-
portedly from a broken neck after falling
down the stairs of his large London home.
Mr Calil amassed a fortune thanks
largely to his chumminess with two Nigeri-
an dictators of the 1980s and 1990s, Ibra-
him Babangida and the flagrantly corrupt
Sani Abacha. He was one of a breed of “fix-
ers”, or “bagmen”, who flit between Africa
and Europe, cultivating ties with politi-
cians and taking a cut from “facilitation
payments” from investors bidding for li-
cences to drill for oil or dig for gold.
Although softly spoken, he was brazen.
He once let a journalist from Harper’sob-
serve his negotiations over gourmet din-
ners in Paris. Until recently laws in several
European countries—unlike America’s
more stringent Foreign Corrupt Practices

Africa’s shady middlemen

Vulture, departed

Ely Calil, backer of a farcical coup plot,
died on May 28th
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