The Economist Asia Edition - June 09, 2018

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54 Business The EconomistJune 9th 2018




HE stereotype of a typicalMBAgradu-
ate is that of a confident, well-dressed
person who is destined for a career in
management consultancy, finance or
climbing the greasy pole at anS&P 500
company. The stereotype of an entrepre-
neur is a college drop-out. Yet business
schools, eager to prove that they are not
just factories for manicured professionals,
are increasingly keen to teach entrepre-
neurial skills to their students.
The temptation is to think that the abil-
ity and drive needed to start a business
cannot be taught. After all, who can en-
gender the combination of opportunism
and paranoia usually needed to start a
business? But some of those who have
taken the path argue that anMBAcourse
has several advantages. Shoshana Stew-
art, the chief executive of Turquoise
Mountain, a crafts business that started in
Afghanistan, who studied at the London
Business School (LBS), says anMBAgives
you three things; a network of people,
confidence and exposure, and an array of
The network effect can operate in sev-
eral ways. Oliver Samwer, who along
with his brothers founded the investment
group Rocket Internet in 2007, thinks the
guest speakers at theWHU-Otto Beish-
eim School of Management in Germany,
provided him with role models. “My
view is that it is all about the dream,” he
says. Every time a leader came to the
school, it inspired him to dream of a big-
ger, more global business. He has un-
doubtedly achieved lift-off: Rocket Inter-
net was valued at $8bn when it floated in
2014 and the Samwer brothers have in-
vested in several other successful technol-
ogy startups.
Sometimes the contacts are more im-
mediate. Vanessa Coleman started a busi-
ness called FINsix—which built an effi-

cient and compact power converter—at
MIT’s Sloan business school with three
other graduate students. They combined
their studies with their project, getting ini-
tial funding in the second year of the
course. And some of the advisers that
helped the company had connections to
MIT. A business school can also organise
events where budding entrepreneurs meet
potential investors and, in some cases,
those backers will be former students.
Self-belief is another quality that stu-
dents can gain fromthe classroom. Bilikiss
Adebiyi-Abiola came from Nigeria toMIT
and took a course run by Bill Aulet, a well-
known author, on entrepreneurship; she
says that helped her gain confidence in
pitching to a room full of investors.
When she went back to Africa she set
up a business which collects waste from
Nigerian households.The rubbish is sold
to recycling plants and the homeowners
get points, which canbe turned into cash.
Ms Stewart had worked for Turquoise
Mountain before taking herMBAatLBS.
While doing the course, she realised that
the business, which helps artisans with
marketing, sales and logistics, could ex-

pand into more countries; when she re-
turned, she expanded its operations to
Myanmar, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
The final element is practical skills. Jon
Smith set up Pobble, a for-profit education
service, with his brother and others, just
before taking anMBAatLBS. Previously,
he had been a civil engineer and he says
that elements of the course were useful.
“Management accounting allowed me to
read a profit-and-loss account” he says,
while another course taught him how to
negotiate and bargain.
Mr Smith found that developing the
business while simultaneously studying
for the course was also helpful. “We saw
lots of case studies about what can go
right and wrong,” he says, adding that
“doing anMBAgives you the time to think
through what you care about.”
Clearly you do not need anMBAto
start a successful business. And plenty of
people takeMBAs and then continue on
to mundane corporate jobs. It is one thing
to start a business where the technical
skills learned in anMBAmaygofar.Itis
another thing to build that company into
a structure that can last for decades. Ms
Coleman, who has now left the business
she founded, says that the guidance pro-
vided by the school was less helpful in the
later stages.
But business schools will certainly
need to work harder to prove their rele-
vance; the cost of the qualification has
been rising and the number of applicants
has been falling. Around 11% fewer people
took theGMATtest (which acts as a de fac-
to entrance exam) in 2016 than in 2012. If
business schools can improve the skills of
those who try to build companies, that
has to be good news. We have enough
management consultants already.

Bartleby Start them up

Business schools can give entrepreneurs vital skills

been to design processors from the ground
up with AIin mind. The result of Graph-
core’s efforts is called an intelligent pro-
cessing unit (IPU). This name is not just
marketing: on GPUs, memory (the staging
area for data) and brain (where they are
processed) are kept separate—meaning
that data constantly have to be ferried back
and forth between the two areas, creating a
bottleneck with data-heavyAIapplica-
tions. To do away with it, Graphcore’s
chips do not just have hundreds of mini-
brains, but the memory is placed right next
to it, minimising data traffic.
Graphcore’s chip can also hold entire

neural networks, computational models
inspired by structures in biological brains,
which are used in manyAIapplications.
Having such models, which can be im-
mensely complex with billions of parame-
ters, sit in the chip allows them to be
“trained” more quickly—the act of feeding
them with lots of data (pictures of cats,
say), so they learn to recognise them. The
set-up also simplifies what is known as “in-
ference”, when the model applies what it
has learned (spotting cats, for instance).
Cerebras is going further still. It is not
only designing a new processor, which is
similar to Graphcore’s, but a specialised AI

computer as well. Puttinga new chip on a
circuit board, as Graphcore does, that is
added into an existing system limits spe-
cialisation and optimisation because of
constraints in power, cooling and commu-
nication, says Mr Feldman. But this means
that he has a steeper hill to climb: while
Graphcore has already delivered a first
batch to customers, Cerebras has yet to an-
nounce when its product will be available.
Although Graphcore and Cerebras
were early to see the need for specialised
AIchips, they are by no means alone. Doz-
ens of startups are creating what are
known as “application-specific integrated
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