Forbes Asia - June 2018

(Michael S) #1

also keeps an eye on artillerymen and military engi-
neers, with the use of explosives being the common link.
In Australia, women were banned from working under-
ground until 40 years ago when Britain’s Queen Eliza-
beth visited the deep workings of the Mount Charlotte
gold mine.
Today, Australia’s three biggest publicly traded iron ore
mining companies have women at (or close to) the top, led by
the chief executive of Fortescue Mining, Elizabeth Gaines, 54.
Like BHP and Rio Tinto, Fortescue is automating its opera-
tions, but largely through retroitting autonomous haulage
equipment to existing mines. (Of course, there’s also Austra-
lia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, the executive chairman of
closely held Hancock Prospecting.)
Koodaiderie and South Flank will be the next generation
of mines, and while both require inal board approval before
construction can start, perhaps early next year, that seems
to be a formality because of the need to develop new mines
to satisfy contractual sales obligations and the productivity
beneits from utilizing the latest technology.
Because what’s happening is not a single event but a series
of changes that will signiicantly reduce the manning in a

mine and require a workforce with more tech skills and less
in manually operating equipment, neither BHP nor Rio Tinto
will put numbers on overall cost savings or expected ei-
ciency gains.
But, for example, driverless trucks require less main-
tenance than those with heavy-footed drivers, computer-
controlled trains operate more eiciently and loading a train
is better done by computer than by a human. “One of the
challenges around the safety aspect is how much ore you put
on the rail, which means we tend to underload cars,” Jurgens
says. “We’ve introduced lasers and weightometers and ore
analyzers so we know the density of the ore, we know the
maximum weight we can put in the car, and we can extremely
accurately load our ore cars, which has given us [an extra] 2.4
tons per ore car.”
With trains routinely made up of 268 cars, that means
each trip to Port Hedland can now carry an extra 643 tons
of ore, which at the current price of around $65 a ton means
$41,795 in extra revenue. Over an average day, when 20 trains
make the 260-mile journey, a small technology-driven change
in loading becomes an extra $836,160—or roughly $300 mil-
lion a year.




CEO Elizabeth Gaines of Fortescue is automating operations, largely by retrofitting haulage equipment to existing mines.

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