My Pope Philippines – August 2018

(avery) #1

Special Report


Buenos Aires


In November 2013, the research
reached the Pope’s desk. The
Holy Pontiff read it, liked it, and
approved it. The historian
relates, “In a great act of humility,
Francis phoned me twice in my
office, encouraging me to go on,
but most of all, to provide new
detailed information.” That, in
the end, helped him arrive at the Pope Francis called the historian
to divulge new details.

truth. His work was then
submitted to the Council of
Historical Studies of Almagro,
before the final endorsement of
Pope Francis.

These days, a family and an
elderly gentleman live in
Aveninda Varela 268. The
owner of the building is
Maximiliano Mauro, and he
is thrilled with the discovery.
“When we learned the news, we
were speechless—this was the
house where my grandparents
lived!” he revealed.

Daniel sent all the documents
he collected to Maria Eugenia
Vidal, then vice mayor of
Buenos Aires, now governor,
and requested that the house be
declared a “Historical Site and
Cultural Heritage of the City,”
and for a plaque to be placed on
the façade, similar to the one
placed on Calle Membrillar.
“It is our responsibility to
honor the historical truth




1) The place where Regina Sivori gave birth to her first-born, Jorge Mario.
2) The house where the Holy Father grew up. 3) The Basilica of San Carlos
and Maria Auxiliadora, where little Jorge was baptized. 4) The National
School of Technical Education N. 27 Hipólito Yrigoyen, where young Jorge
obtained his diploma as a chemical expert. 5) The Basilica de San José
de Flores, where Pope Francis heard the call of God. 6) The Metropolitan
Seminary of Buenos Aires that welcomed Pope Francis during his studies.
7) The Metropolitan Cathedral is the main church of the Archdiocese that
welcomed Pope Francis after his appointment as Archbishop. 8) The seat
of the Archdiocese where the Holy Father lived and worked until he was
elected Pope.






8 7

1 Avenida Varela 268 (Flores)

3 Basilica of San Carlos (Almagro)

5 Basilica of San José (Flores)

7 Metropolitan Cathedral (San Nicolas)
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