My Pope Philippines – August 2018

(avery) #1

by Monica B. Savellano

Many Filipino families consider
their yayas or nannies as part
of the family. Monica and
her family are very lucky and
grateful to have Didang, their
trusted yaya, who has been with
them for 39 years! Yaya Didang
has spent more than half of her
life with the Barrettos.

When did Yaya Didang
join your family?
She has been with us since
March 1979. Yaya started when
my mom was five months
pregnant with me.

Second Mom

Why has she stayed with
your family for so long?
I think the main reason why
she has stayed with us is her
genuine love for our whole
family (even our dogs!). It’s
also because my mom is one
of the kindest employers. She
treats everyone with kindness,
generosity, and respect. There
was a time we had financial
problems and couldn’t give
Yaya her salary, and yet she
chose to stay with us. I cannot
put into words how grateful I
am for everything she has done
for us. I am very close to all the
members of my family—and
Yaya is part of that family.

How do you bond?
Yaya and I have simple bonding
moments, like when we hang
out in the kitchen and tell each
other stories about practically
anything and everything.

What are your best
memories of her with
each generation of
your family?
She has been with us in happy
occasions and tough times, but
it’s also the simple everyday
things she does to take care of
each and every one of us that
I am grateful for. I will always
cherish the way she takes care
of me when I get sick—up to this

day she still gives me an ice bath
or massages my joints when I’m
not feeling well, even if she’s old
and not that strong anymore. I
also remember the time I went
through a break up; she hugged
me the whole night until I fell
asleep. When she sees me get
hurt physically or emotionally,
she also cries with me. She
doesn’t like seeing me sad. She
is also present during all my
happy moments, like when I
got married (she was part of the
offertory at my wedding) and
had my first child. Now that I
have a child, she is like a lola to
him, spoiling him with lots and
lots of love.

Yaya Didang (left)
celebrates with
Monica on her
wedding day.
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