Outdoor ASIA - July 2018

(Marcin) #1

114 August 2018

OAA 2018

OAA 2018:

At Close Quarters

Members of the Jury that adjudicated the
OAA 2018 entries share their perspectives
on the kind of work they got to see and the
imperatives for the OOH industry



Lloyd Mathias, Chairman, OAA 2018 Jury

“It has been a fairly productive engagement. We went through the entries on our
individual iPads and had discussions helping crystalise our thoughts. The jury
members came from a good spectrum such as automotive, consumer durables,
mobile phones, etc., and that brought many perspectives into play which really
helped enrich the judging process. To the organisers I would say, keep up the
good work because outdoor is a powerful medium and outdoor happens very close
to point of purchase and it gives a quick credibility. And with this whole sharing
economy where people are interacting so aggressively, outdoor is a great medium
that can influence the buying and purchasing behavior quite significantly.”

Jiveshdeep Singh Sandhu, Dy GM — Marketing, Nissan Motor

“I see that the overall quality of entries in the OAA contest has gone up this year.
The entries are supported by information on the impact of the campaigns. I was
happy to see classic innovations comes through, using the media very effectively. I
must add that the organisers of the contest have raised the benchmark standards,
even at the expense of revenues, which is truly commendable. I thought the entries
had given us good food for thought.”

Sumit Sehgal, CMO, COMIO

“The entries were of high standard, and well drafted and presented. I particularly
liked the transparency maintained in the entire judging process. As regards the
business, it would be good for the industry to provide robust data to their respective
clients, and also come up with more improved media monitoring systems. There is
a strong case for OOH metrics to be put in place.”
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