Murder Most Foul – July 2018

(vip2019) #1

n HIS WIFE and son stood in the
bathroom staring at the naked body
of Lanny Horwitz
(left) as it twitched
and gurgled in the
pool of crimson
water brimming
over splintered tiles
and glass. Blood
was pumping from
gunshot wounds
to his arms and
torso, but most
conspicuously from
the gaping red hole
that had once been his mouth.
Not content with merely killing him,
Lanny’s murderer had shoved the gun
between his lips as he cried out in agony.
Crime of passion or cold-blooded
execution? Find out in this year’s True
Detective Summer Special...

Pyne was charged
with bludgeoning
and stabbing his
mother Ruth (right)
to death in the garage
of their Michigan
home in May 2011,
the case bewildered
many people – from
seasoned lawyers
and legal commentators to family,
friends and the community that even
now continues to support him. He was
sentenced to 20 to 60 years in jail.
Read his story in True Detective
Summer Special and see what you think.
Is he innocent or guilty?

n WHY DID it take so many years to
solve? – the murder of an attractive
young Australian woman living in
London and going
about her shopping
for a dinner when
she was ruthlessly
was she naive to
advertise selling her
car in the window of
the car itself, inviting
approaches from
strangers who could be dangerous?
Learn how Janie Shepherd’s (above)
vicious killer stayed one step ahead of
the police for so long in True Detective
Summer Special.

...and where to find them

n DOING NINE life sentences for
nine murders, Pee Wee (below) couldn’t
resist just one
more – and this
while he was in a
penitentiary. It was
a step too far – a
step that finally took
him to the chair...
find out how in
True Crime Summer

n SUMMER RUST (below) dreaded
the sound of his key in the door. She
knew there’d be a battle. But it was one
she had to win. The children sensed
her fear, and wanted more cuddles
than usual before
She loved the
way they snuggled
up on the sofa
together in their
fleecy pyjamas,
falling asleep one
by one. Three-
year-old Evynn
was the first to
nod off, then Teagin who was a year
older, and finally the twins Kirsten and
Autumn who were seven...
FInd out what happens next – in True
Crime Summer Special.

n THE CROWD jostled to read the
execution notice pinned on Leicester
Prison’s gates. Dennis Goodger
stood apart from them, alone with his
thoughts. There
seemed nothing
exceptional about
this man in his
brown bib-and-
brace overalls
and brick-dust-
encrusted boots;
nothing to link
him with Joseph
Reynolds (right)
who had just gone
to the scaffold.
But Dennis Goodger had a strong
personal interest in Reynolds’s
execution. “I’m the luckiest man alive in
the world today,” he told a reporter. “I’m
the one Reynolds really intended to kill.”
And this was true...To find out why,
read True Crime Summer Special.

disposed of her body
must remain a mystery.
It will serve no purpose
for me to speculate as
to what happened, but
all the indications are
that you burnt at least
a part of her in the
The horrific story
of the ex-abattoir worker (above) and
the little girl he Master
Detective Summer Special.

leisurely affair at Mrs. Bryan’s small
boarding-house in County Durham.
The house in Parker Terrace, Ferryhill,
catered for working men and, as
Sunday was their day off, the meal was
unhurried, with time for conversation.
“I had a strange dream last night,”
Mrs. Bryan remarked as she served
breakfast on Sunday, February 12th,

  1. “And it was about you,” she told
    one of her lodgers.
    “Well, if it was about me it must have
    been a nightmare,” laughed William
    Byland Abbey, a 31-year-old cashier at a
    local bank.
    “Yes,” Mrs. Bryan continued, “I
    dreamt you were attacked at work and
    Tragically, that nightmare would come
    true...find out how in Master Detective
    Summer Special.

n ON THE DAY before her 16th
birthday Yvonne Blower told Billy
McDonald she didn’t want to go out
with him again. The next time their
paths crossed was in the mortuary of
Blackburn’s Royal Infirmary...
Read “The Butlin’s Beauty Queen
Murder” in Master Detective Summer

SPRING of 1986
a cruel, perverted
maniac (right)
struck terror into
the hearts of sick
and elderly folk in
south London...
Full astonishing
case report in
Master Detective
Summer Special.

How to make sure you don’t miss out on this year’s Summer Specials: see page 67

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