Open Magazine – August 07, 2018

(sharon) #1

Additional tests, if required, will be at additional cost. Conditions apply.

Today’s lifestyle puts your body through a lot.
Lack of sleep, irregular food, and stress. Although
seemingly small, each of these opens a doorway
to disease.

The only way to avoid that is by being one step
ahead of it.

Tailored around you, this comprehensive
programme helps you prevent diseases before
they become problems.

This breakthrough test identifies your genetic risk
for various diseases (including cardiac, diabetic,
metabolic disorders and cancers) and enables
timely intervention.

You are the centre of a universe. The reason
behind an entire family’s laughter. And joy.
And the key to that is your health.

To know more, log on to

Book your appointment today.


[email protected]
Free download pdf