Mix – Asia’s Creative Meetings – July-August 2018

(Wang) #1

46 MIX AUgUst/sEPtEMBER 2018 http://www.mixmeetings.com

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Staging Connections
toasts Moutai's
Australian label
launch with a star-
studded gala dinner
at Sydney Town Hall

MOUTAI China launched an Australian brand of the famous spirit
with a star-studded gala dinner at Sydney Town Hall in May with
more than 500 guests gathering to celebrate 46 years since the
liquor, traditionally used as a toast for special occasions in China,
was imported into the country.
The event was masterminded by Sydney-based event services
and exhibitions specialists Staging Connections, which built on the
theme “Let the world fall in love with Moutai, let Moutai go to the
world” by evoking the brand’s 2,000-year history throughout.
Moutai has been produced in China’s Guizhou province for
centuries, with families passing down the secret of its highly intricate
production method. People who produce Moutai usually spend a
lifetime perfecting their craft.
Made from organic sticky sorghum, it takes five years to produce
one bottle of Moutai. The spirit is distilled nine times and then aged

for three years in ceramic pots, with a production cycle that mirrors
the Chinese lunar calendar.
Moutai is highly regarded in Asia as a prestigious gift and is a
traditional drink to accompany Chinese dishes in much the same
way as saké complements Japanese food.

WinninG PiTCH
Various stakeholders in the events industry recommended Staging
Connections to Moutai in 2017. The team is renowned for executing
immersive, 360-degree brand experiences on a large scale, which is
what Moutai was looking for – an event that was “unique, impactful,
exciting and brand-centric”.
Staging Connections took part in a highly competitive pitching
process and its success came down to experience in high-profile
global events, such as Amway Taiwan. Moutai said Staging
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