
(C. Jardin) #1
Swing when You’re winning

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relic hunting she’s done already, it might be
a bit unfair to ignore her previous valiant
attempts, but this trip to Latin America
certainly looks like a fun, if deadly, addition
to Ms Croft’s CV. Faced with the apocalypse
after she pilfers a priceless Mayan tablet –
oops – Lara has the small task of saving the
world. Again.

Mind your Manors
If you enjoyed the previous two games, fear
not, Lara’s slick combination of action and
stealth is back. Wall climbing, ziplines,
clambering through jungle and assassinating
from the darkness with Lara’s trusty bow
like a very English Predator. It’s all here and
prettier than ever once you ignore Ms Croft’s
chilling attitude to murder.
It seems a small addition but Lara can
also now rappel downwards and swing
dramatically across chasms. This is the
tomb raider at the top of her game and Eidos
Montreal is making sure that we feel it.
New this time around too is the concept
of ‘living tombs’. Less The Mummy than
they sound, these areas of exploration can
only be discovered after speaking to people
in the hubs in various cities. There’s still
a linear experience here but Shadow Of
The Tomb Raider feels more alive than the
previous two games. Funny that, given how
dead Lara’s going to make a stack of guards
who definitely don’t have a family or a pet at
home... Far tomb much fun.

Creed odyssey

Pl atforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC
DeveloPer: Ubisoft Quebec
release Date: 5 October

What’s the first thing you think about
when it comes to an Assassin’s Creed game?
Whether you’ve played every title in the
historical free-running franchise, or eagle
dived in and out, you’ve probably got the
general idea. Hoods, hidden blades, and
history. However, a year after we saw how it
all began in Origins, Odyssey has arrived to
press reset on everything we know about the
stealth series. History is guaranteed as we
arrive in Ancient Greece in 431BC but that’s
where the similarities stop.
Given that Origins’, errr, origins story
doesn’t happen for another 300 years, you
aren’t even an assassin and, for the first time,
you can choose your character in this fully
fledged RPG.
Regardless of whether you choose between
fierce Spartan warriors Kassandra or
Alexios, the same sprawling Greece of white
beaches and azure seas opens up before
you. For the first time too, Odyssey offers
up genuine choice in how your story plays
out. While there are still set pieces of history





as good

as you


the new tomb raider finds lara at the top of her
game, with new and enhanced abilities with which
to explore the “living tombs” the game offers up.

the combat is
beautifully fluid. multiplayer modes of the series yet. Mixing
up player vs player and player vs enemy
encounters, Gambit drops you and your team
in two separate arenas and pits you against
waves of enemies. These foes drop motes,
items you need to feed into a hungry game
show-style machine in the centre. The more
you collect and bank, the more enemies will
arrive in the opposing team’s arena and you
can even send one of your own team through
a portal to mess with the very real player
enemy. It’s an exciting fresh take in a world
of capture the flag and team death match.
Time will tell if Forsaken will do for Destiny
2 what The Taken King did for the original
but it’s looking promising so far.

shadow of
the toMb raider

Pl atforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC
DeveloPer: Eidos Montreal
release Date: 14 September

She’s already been in cinemas this year but
infamous archaeological pickpocket and
mass murderer Lara Croft is back in pixelated
form. The final game in her gritty rebooted
trilogy, this promises Lara’s birth as the
Tomb R a ider. Given all the slaughter and
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