Asian Geographic - 08.2018

(Grace) #1
24 November 2018

Bagan Temple Marathon

From Mandalay Airport,
take a bus or fly to Nyaung
U Airport




The famous Bagan Temple Marathon takes

place every November, and its route weaves

through dirt paths along the historic Bagan

plains, an archaeological zone containing over

2,000 sacred pagodas and temples built from

the 9th till the 13th century by fervent devotees

of Theravada Buddhism.

Runners dash along village roads across an

area once ruled by the Pagan Kingdom on the

banks of the Irrawaddy river. Starting off at

6am from the iconic Htilominlo Temple – a

majestic 46-metre structure famous for its

ornate stucco carvings – the hot and dusty

course is relatively flat, and its main draw is the

scenic landscape, which allows participants

to breeze past the temples in this stunning

pilgrimage destination, regardless of what

distance they cover: the full marathon, half

marathon, or 10-kilometre run.


Run Amid the

Bagan Ruins

Fortify yourself after the run with mohinga,
a spicy, sour soup often eaten by Burmese
for breakfast and first popularised in the 19th
century as a cheap but nutritious meal. River
catfish and fermented vermicelli noodles are
cooked in a broth of garlic, onions, ginger,
lemongrass and peppers, and then topped
with sliced banana blossom, eggs and chickpea
fritters. The exact recipe varies from region
to region, but the tastiest versions are often
served up by street hawkers.

above and left Bagan
is home to the largest
area of Buddhist
temples in the world



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