Asian Geographic - 08.2018

(Grace) #1

It has slipped the laborious arcs

of trade-routes, sealing the spices’

scent from ferreting ships, sitting

beyond the itinerary’s telescope.

Only when the mind has peeled off

reason and history will you see

it, and perhaps then give away

all these cloud-capped towers

and Utama’s crown

for a place where we can begin again,

in the opposite direction

from what we are.


BOEY KIM CHENG (1965 – present)
is an acclaimed Singaporean poet whose
publications comprise a portion of the
literature syllabus for university entrance
exams in the city state. His works deal with
feelings of displacement and nostalgia in
the modern metropolis, triggered by its rapid
transformation from a pre-1965 British trading
port at the sacrifice of heritage and history.

By Boey Kim Cheng


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