Asian Geographic - 08.2018

(Grace) #1
Jul 31, 1961
ASA is founded

Sep 16, 1963
The Federation of
Malaysia is formed

Aug 9, 1965
Singapore gains

Aug 11, 1966
Konfrontasi ends

Aug 8, 1967
ASEAN is formed

ASeAn’S regionAl riSe

In this casual environment, ministers lobbied
privately for national causes, and a general
consensus was reached even before formal
discussions began.
“Each man brought into the deliberations
a historical and political perspective that had
no resemblance to that of any of the others,”
Khoman writes in his memoirs. “But with
goodwill and good humour, as often as they
huddled at the negotiating table, they finessed
their way through their differences as they
lined up their shots on the golf course and
traded wisecracks on one another’s game, a
style of deliberation which would eventually
become the ASEAN ministerial tradition.”
The result of this “Sport-Shirt Diplomacy”
was the Bangkok Declaration of August 8,
1967, a simple document solidifying ASEAN’s
purpose: to promote regional cooperation
and peace. Membership was open to any
state within Southeast Asia, and subsequent
years saw the inclusion of Brunei, Vietnam,
Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. Today, the
bloc’s ability to maintain regional peace
despite ongoing territorial disputes between
members is a success story among regional
organisations, and continues to attract new
hopefuls, with East Timor and Papua New
Guinea next in line.
“I saw for myself at the UN how, over
time, the five ASEAN foreign ministers
became really close friends and trusted one
another,” says Tommy Koh, Singapore’s former
Permanent Representative to the United
Nations. “When ASEAN began, the five
leaders of the countries realised that they must
come to know each other. They must develop
friendship, mutual trust, and a willingness
to understand each other’s point of view and
interest... so the ASEAN journey succeeded
partly because these remarkable people, who
hardly knew each other at the beginning,
became friends, became allies, and became
partners devoted to their vision.”

feature | aSeaN


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