Oman Economic Review – August 2018

(avery) #1

strives to support communities in
becoming more economically inde-
pendent by partnering in their success
across every aspect of life. As a means
of enhancing the quality of everyday
living for each community we touch,
KR’s social investment arm delivers
initiatives focussed on infrastructural
growth, youth development, monetary
and equipment donations, human cap-
ital investments, building professional
skillsets, sponsorship, research, testing,
medical advancement, outreach, women
empowerment, environment and sports.
Each area of activity encompasses the
core pillars of education, health and
community wellbeing.

Nailesh says Eshraqa strongly believes
that education is a key ingredient in
the recipe for economic sustainability,
societal harmony and individual
excellence. “We have taken the lead
under our Training Initiatives for
Nationals programme (TIN), which
generates a very measurable impact
amongst the Omani youth,” he adds.
TIN has three aspects to it, including
training for employment, which covers
vocational training and the campus
to corporate programme, training for
development, covering leadership
workshops for Omanis, and train the
trainer programmes, whilst Eshraqa
Entrepreneurship Academy supports
budding entrepreneurs find their feet in
viable yet competitive markets.

Committed to building the knowledge,
skills, and aptitude of talented
Omanis to enhance the proficiency
and competitiveness of the national
workforce, TIN supports Eshraqa’s
objective of optimising learning and
development across all trades and
professions to meet the Sultanate’s
manpower requirements. The platform
is centred on vocational training for
school graduates, entrepreneurial
guidance, coaching for leadership roles,
and sharpening skills to make people
more employable.

TIN nurtures talent from across the
Sultanate, and has to-date trained

over 1,400 Omanis, mentoring over
1,000 through the campus to corporate
leadership programme, with more than
100 entrepreneurs benefitting from
start-up weekend, and 325 youth at
INMA leadership workshops for SMEs.

Maintaining its focus on the national
workforce, Eshraqa has funded the
Omani employees of KR to attend
workshops across Asia, including
trips to Malaysia and the Indian
subcontinent, as well as other key
contributions to learning for aspiring
professionals. This has observed
collaboration with market leaders
such as Takatuf on its scholarship
programme, which offers two Omani
students a six-year international
academic studentship in Canada. The

founders of Eshraqa are also founding
members of Muscat University.

Eshraqa has been a strong supporter
of the the Environment Society of
Oman’s (ESO) annual activities such
as Omani Environment Day and Earth
Hour, geared towards implementing
eco-conscious solutions for reducing
the nation’s carbon footprint. Eshraqa
remains a dedicated supporter of the
ESO’s annual Environmental Public
Speaking Competition, providing
training for the national level
winners representing the Sultanate
at the regional finals in Dubai. The
Omani teams continue their winning
streak, at the regional environment
speaking championship for the third
consecutive year.

One modest project that KR Group takes
great pride in for its learning investment
with youth is the Sindbad Children’s
Mobile Library, a storytelling initiative
that promotes a culture of reading and
improves literacy for children across
Oman. Eshraqa has provided two new
trailers and donated 10,000 books and
colouring pads to-date.

Eshraqa plays a significant role in
enhancing the efficiency of the health
sector as an imperative foundation in
any emerging economy. Some of the
groups, associations, and initiatives
served entail interactions with the
Association for Early Intervention
for Children with Disabilities, the
Down Syndrome Association, Oman
Association of the Disabled, and the

Association for the Hearing Impaired.
Says Nailesh, “Some of our most recent
donations include 10 Braille U2 Sense
Machines for Al Noor Association
for the Blind and 15 laptops to SQU
graduates with clinically diagnosed
disabilities. Providing equipment,
sponsoring activities, contributing
to infrastructure, and enhancing the
learning of these communities has been
praised far and wide, with prospects
and people to be proud of on all sides.”

Eshraqa’s outreach programme helps
deliver critical insights on local health
care, such as Oman National Nutrition
Survey (ONNS), a first-of-its-kind
initiative undertaken in the Sultanate
under the auspices of the Ministry of
Health. Eshraqa’s partnership aimed to
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