Oman Economic Review – August 2018

(avery) #1


46 August 2018


oredoo is a community-focused
company, guided by a vision of
using its services to enrich peo-
ple’s digital lives and stimulate
human growth. The company believes
in the power of telecommunications as
an enabler, to bring about social and
economic progress. “Human growth is
what inspires and drives us forward,
reminding us of what we have set out
to achieve and live up to,” says Raed
Dawood, director of government rela-
tions and corporate affairs at Ooredoo.
“It has many facets, social economic
and spiritual and we focus on women’s
empowerment, youth entrepreneur-
ship, and caring for those in need
within our communities.”

Through its corporate social
responsibility (CSR) programmes,
Ooredoo aims to provide support and
development countrywide. “We are also
fortunate to work in collaboration with
a variety of charitable associations and
government organisations to achieve our
shared goals,” adds Raed. “While some
of our activities and projects have a short
or medium term benefit, our focus is
always on viability and sustainability.”

Goodwill Journey
The cornerstone of Ooredoo’s CSR
programme is its annual Goodwill


empowerment, youth


and caring for

those in need are
the focal areas of

Ooredoo’s corporate

social responsibility


Journey. From the first journey over a
decade ago, this initiative has enjoyed
many landmark achievements,
enriching the lives of 140,000
individuals and families. Every
year since 2004, a group of Ooredoo
volunteers travel across the country,
setting up and equipping carefully
researched and selected projects, in
collaboration with local charitable
associations and organisations. The
Goodwill Journey is partly one of
compassion and giving, providing
much needed donations to those in
need. This year the convoy travelled to
Salalah to provide essential assistance
to those affected by cyclone Mekunu.
A last minute change to the plans, the
relief efforts really brought home the
meaning of sharing the special spirit of

Building on the success of previous
journeys and implementing lessons
learnt, the Goodwill Journey lays
the foundations for sustainable
initiatives, long-term educational
projects and training programmes
focused on boosting educational and
entrepreneurship opportunities.

One example of this is the highly
successful Ooredoo Women’s Incubator
Programme. Starting in 2015, the
company set up a series of women
incubators to train women with income
generating vocational skills to help them
gain economic independence through
employment or by setting up their
own business. By the end of 2018, 13
incubators had been set up across Oman
from which over 3,200 women graduated
in areas such as information technology,

Raed Dawood
Director of Government Relations and Corporate Affairs, Ooredoo
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