Oman Economic Review – August 2018

(avery) #1

From a social perspective, we formed
deep and enduring bonds with the local
community from our very inception
and we continue to promote projects
and initiatives that bring about positive
social and economic change.

Skills development, cultural activities,
sports and health, and environmental
preservation are a huge priority on

our agenda. We work closely with local
schools, Government agencies, and
businesses to contribute to sustainable
growth, and promote an inclusive and
thriving community.

For example, our new SOHAR Works
training for employment programme
works in collaboration with local
business and industry, providing

a skills and knowledge based
professional development platform
to place citizens on the fast-track for
sustainable new careers in Sohar. The
programme creates new opportunities
for cooperation and innovation, while
furthering our contribution to the
development march of Oman.

Another campaign, SOHAR’s Safer
Driving Week combined defensive
driving courses and crash simulators
with activities that targeted port and
free zone road users. This three-day
educational programme highlighted the
need for a more personal focus on local
road safety and taught drivers about
day-to-day risks and our long-term aim
to save lives across the Sultanate.

As always in SOHAR, safety and
environmental protection are
paramount to any marine side
operations. As a 50:50 partnership with
Port of Rotterdam, we pride ourselves
on maintaining some of the strictest and
best policed environmental policies in
the region, both above and below the
water. SOHAR has also invested in an
artificial reef project to help protect
and grow fish stocks in the area around
the Port and to help support local

Additionally, we had organised a two-
day beach and mangrove clean-up
at Harmoul Beach in Liwa last year,
alongside a large number of school
and college students, officials, and staff
from SOHAR. This was a reflection
of the strong commitment to the
environment in the city. Environmental
sustainability is rooted in Oman’s
culture, and is a key part of the vision
of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos when he
institutionalised both the ‘Vision 2020’
development strategy and UNESCO
Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental

What are the innovations you are
bringing to the relevant sectors
such as logistics, shipping, and
manufacturing industry?
As one of the main driving forces
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