India Today – August 13, 2018

(singke) #1


range Is the New Black peaked in Season 4 and
should have gracefully bowed out after another
season to cope with the death of the librarian,
Poussey. Yet as Season 6 hits Netflix this month, it
has already been slated for a seventh, and we don’t
even know whether it will end then. A dignified exit
is required.
The show has introduced characters and
storylines every season to keep the audience
hooked. With the prison riot last season, all
those arcs had the opportunity to make a
neat exit. The scale and scope of Season 5
as it hurtled through three days of com-
plete chaos had all the right ingredients
for a grand finale. Instead, Season 6 offers
a soft reboot. The action moves to Litchfield
Max, a maxi-mum-security prison where many—
but not all—of the old gang find themselves following
the riot.
The cruelty of Litchfield Max makes previous
seasons look tame. The guards here are borderline
caricatures who seem to treat the prison as some per-
verse video game. They even keep score.
OITNB first drew attention with its shocking
depiction of prison life, and maintained it by weaving
every trending human rights hashtag into its narra-

tive. Immigration is the cause of choice in Season 6,
even as the show continues to firmly keep its eyes on
Black Lives Matter and human right violations in
prison. However, returning to shock isn’t doing the
story any favours.
Season 6 seems to acknowledge that Piper’s
15-month sentence is an absurd timeline for a
show that is going to go on for at least seven
seasons. She came in to Litchfield engaged
to a man, and leaves this season married
to her girlfriend, Alex. We continue to
see the rise of Taystee, whose transfor-
mation into an activist was one of the
best parts of the last season. Freida, we
learn, has been in Max before, and she has
some enemies in prison dating back several
decades to when she was a teenager. Red, who
was the terror in Season 1 when OITNB began, is beat.
Instead, there is a bewildering array of new gangs
and intrigues at Max—resulting in a certain ennui as
you slog through to see what happens. Season 5, the
should-have-been finale, packed a punch despite its
messiness. Now, though, we’ll be all too glad to see
this epic come to an end. n
—Farah Yameen

Season 5 of

had all

the ingredients for a
grand finale. Instead
Season 6 gives it a soft reboot





Courtesy NETFLIX
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