Philippine Tatler – August 2018

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philippine tatler. august 2018

firm, Zeller, Villinger, & Cie, imported

various exotic items, including tropical

woods for decorating or detailing the

homes of prosperous merchants and

public figures.

In 1910, Villinger and his business

partner Emile Zeller decided to build their

respective homes on adjacent lots. As both

businessmen shared a taste for the lavish

ornamentation that was in vogue at the

time, they called upon the talents of the

artist-architect Paul Schultze-Naumberg,

one of the proponents of the Jugendstil

movement, Germany’s take on Art

Nouveau. Schultze-Naumberg was inspired

by French architecture from the birth of

Neoclassicism which featured an elegant

simplicity characterised by its attention

to detail, the precision of its post-and-

lintel construction, and its use of straight

columns and fluting. As a result, the house

was seen as a showcase of the best in

Neoclassicism in that part of the world.

Sadly, following the Second World War,

the original family left the house and it was

taken over by the French diplomatic corps

as its consulate in Belgium. While the new

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