Philippine Tatler – August 2018

(ff) #1
i, I’m planning to take a fleet
of brand spanking new
Cayennes around the world in
80 days. It will be a
30,000km drive through 20
countries across six continents. We will cross
deserts, forests, jungles, islands, beaches, and one
or two or three oceans. Oh, and I intend on letting
the customers do all the driving. All I need is a
world-class photographer who understands and
loves the brand like his own child. You in?”
“How long do I have to decide?”
“Ten what?”
“Wait. Let me just get my coat”
That was how international automotive and
travel photographer Kim Tonning found out
about—and eventually joined—the Porsche World
Expedition (PWE) from Jan Kalmar, expedition
leader and long-distance driving world record

holder. Over the next two years, Kalmar would do
a series of these awkwardly abrupt conversations
with a small team of carefully selected people
he had worked with over the years as a race-car
driver and driving instructor, until he was finally
able to put together a SWAT team of exceptional
men and women who were just as crazy and
passionate about creating something that would
happen for the first and last time.
The initial idea was born back in 2011, but it
took over five years to convince Stuttgart (where
Porsche has its headquarters) that he wasn’t stark
raving mad.
It’s one thing to hold the record for driving
Cape to Cape—a 17,000 km trip from North
Cape in Norway to Cape Agulhas in South Africa
in eight days, 21 hours, and three minutes—but
another thing entirely to create a similar type
of experience that you can legally and morally
drag customers to. Especially since Wi-Fi is now
considered a basic human right.


At the magnificent Uluru National Park famed for its Ayer’s Rock, James

Deakin joins the Cayenne convoy of the 2018 Porsche World Expedition

for an experience that is best described as sublime

Around the World in 80 Days


64 philippine tatler. august 2018

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