Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1

316 Yair Zakovitch

Migvan De’ot Ve-hashkafot Be-tarbut Yisra’el 1, ed. D. Keren (Jerusalem: Ministry of
Education, 1991), 11 – 29.

  1. Th e pioneering book on inner-biblical interpretation is Michael Fishbane,
    Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985).

  2. See further Yair Zakovitch, “Th e Aim of Stories Concerning Land Purchase
    in the Bible,” Bet Mikra 24 (1979): 17 – 20 [in Hebrew].

  3. See Yair Zakovitch, “Th e Tale of Naboth’s Vineyard,” in Th e Bible from
    Within, by M. Weiss, 379 – 405 (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1984).

  4. A pioneering and important collection of articles on intertextuality in the
    Bible is Danna Nolan Fewell, ed., Reading between Texts — Intertextuality and the
    Hebrew Bible (Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox, 1996).

  5. See Yair Zakovitch, “ ‘Go Up, Bald One, Go Up Bald One’ — Exegetical Cir-
    cles in Biblical Narrative,” Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature 8 (1985): 7 – 23 [in

  6. Th is is, again, from “In Front of the Bookcase.”

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