Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1

326 Index

biblical criticism and critics (continued )
Kaufmann and, 223, 226 – 27, 230 – 31;
Reform movement and, 208 – 9
biblical exegesis, 67 – 75, 87 – 88, 132. See also
peshat/derash distinction; approaches to,
204, 260 – 61; Breuer’s view, 272 – 74, 279n6;
Buber and Rosenzweig’s view, 181 – 82,
185 – 89, 192, 194 – 99; Greenberg’s view,
258 – 59; Judaeo-Arabic, 83 – 88; linguistic
and literary aspects, 86 – 87; Maimonides’s
contribution/role, 124; midrashic, 87 (see
also midrash and midrashic interpreta-
tions); Nahmanides’s view and contribu-
tion, 142 – 45
biblical heroes, 308. See also under individual
biblical history. See Jewish history
biblical law, 89, 111 – 12, 309
biblical narrator. See mudawwin
biblical studies (modern), 313 – 14
binding of Isaac, 67 – 68, 78n12, 283 – 90,
289 – 91
Bloom, Allan, 195 – 96
Bloom, Orly Castel. See Castel-Bloom, Orly
Blum, Ruth Kartun. See Kartun-Blum, Ruth
Bonfi ls (Tov-Elem), Joseph ben Eliezer,
book fairs (Israeli), 47
Th e Book of [Divine] Unity, 162 – 63, 165
Th e Book of Lights and Watchtowers, 97
Th e Book of Parks and Gardens, 97
Breuer, Isaac, 268 – 69
Breuer, Mordechai, 267 – 79; on biblical criti-
cism and exegesis, 267 – 68, 272 – 78, 279n6;
on Jewish mysticism, 269
Brisker system of Talmud study, 270 – 71
Brod, Max, 280
Buber, Martin, 179 – 202; on Bible, 181 – 82,
185 – 89, 192, 194 – 99; on Christianity, 180;
on God, 183 – 89, 199; on Jewish law, 180 –
81; on revelation, 183; on Zionism, 180
Buber, Solomon, 179
Buddhism, 4
burnt off erings, 49 – 50. See also sacrifi cial cult
and sacrifi ces

camels, 61n1
Canaan, 21 – 22, 306 – 7
Canaanism movement, 301
canon and canonization, 9, 11n2, 12n16,
233 – 34, 246n42, 313; Alter’s view, 281 – 82;
connectivity/unity of, 67 – 75; Greenberg’s

view, 250; normative/formative, 5; Protes-
tant Christian view, 78n11
cantillation marks and traditions, 277, 317 – 18
Cassuto, Umberto (Moshe David), 218 – 22
Castel-Bloom, Orly, 292 – 93
chiddushim (new interpretations), 198 – 99
Childs, Brevard, 249, 251
Christiani, Pablo, 141
Christians and Christianity, 110, 139, 141, 318.
See also Protestant Christianity
Christian Th eologies of Scripture: A Compara-
tive Introduction, 8
Chronicles, 309
Cohen, Hermann, 179 – 80, 195
commentaries and commentators, 9, 12n17,
85, 97, 258 – 59. See also biblical exegesis;
under individual names
Commentary on the Rationales of the Com-
mandments, 164 – 66
composers-compilers. See mudawwin
Conservative movement, 209 – 10, 217
contextual exegesis. See also peshat [plain
meaning of text]: historical, 305 – 7; scrip-
tural (local or surface), 68 – 69
contraction. See tzimtzum (contraction)
Cordovero, Moshe, 177 – 78n39
covenant between God and Israel, 226
Creation and creation narrative, 116 – 18, 133,
148 – 49, 158 – 59, 191 – 92. See also Genesis;
Nahmanides’s view, 151 – 53; Soloveitchik
(J. D.)’s view, 271
critical inquiry. See biblical criticism and
crusades and crusaders, 80, 99, 141 – 42
cultural creativity. See ruah. and ruaah. le’umi
(collective spirit [or creative potential])
cultural forms, 235
culture, Israeli secular, 299 – 316
David (king), 308
Dayan, Moshe, 301
Day of Atonement. See Yom Kippur (Day of
Days of Ziklag, 289
derash, 104, 118. See also peshat/derash
derashot. See homilies
Deuteronomic source, 225 – 26
Deuteronomy, 234, 306 – 7; 4:15, 126; 4:29, 104;
4:39, 126; 5, 277; 5:5, 37; 7:1 – 5, 306 – 7; 9:10,
38; 11:19, 146; 11:22, 146; 13:5, 146; 15:1 – 11,
309; 15:12 – 18, 272 – 73; 15:17, 53; 17:18 – 20,
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