Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1
Index 327

310; 17:19, 40 – 41; 23:4, 309; 24:1, 53; 27:26,
165; 30:8, 90; 32:2, 41; 32:4, 133; 32:40,
155n11; 33:10, 45n3
devequt (cleaving), 146 – 47. See also God
dialectic idealism, 235
Dilthey, Willhelm, 233, 235
Dinur, Ben-Zion, 305
Diqdūq, 94
discourse analysis, 95
divine, the. See God
divine authorship. See authorship of Torah
divine names. See God
documentary hypothesis, 203 – 4, 207, 220 – 22,
225 – 26, 269
Dolly City, 292 – 93
Dov Baer, the Great Maggid of Miedzirec,
169 – 70
Driver, S. R., 257
Duran, Profayt, 88, 93

Ecclesiastes, 40; 1:10, 38; 5:2, 149; 12:9 – 10, 125
Ehrlich, Arnold B., 217
Ein Sof [infi nite; transcendent], 157
Eldad and Medad, 70 – 71, 73 – 74
Eleazar (high priest), 158
Eliezer of Beaugency (rabbi), 115 – 16
Eliezer the son of Shimon (rabbi), 54
elite, intellectual, 82
empirical materialism, 235
empiricism and empiricists, 230 – 42, 246n40
encounters, dialogical, 184 – 85, 191, 194 – 99
Enlightenment period, infl uence of, 213
Ephrayyim, Moshe Hayyim, 168
epic aspects/stories, 190 – 91, 193 – 94
epitomes, 255
Epstein, Jacob, 49
Esau, 192 – 93
ethics and morality, 23, 129 – 30, 209, 226, 281,

  1. See also God
    exegesis, biblical. See biblical exegesis
    exegesis, context-bound. See also peshat
    [plain meaning of text], 93
    exegesis, legal. See legal rulings and traditions
    exegesis, nonlegal, 91 – 92
    exegetes, Christian, 111 – 12
    exegetes, French, 103, 106, 110 – 16, 121 – 22n35,

  2. See also Rashbam (R. Samuel ben
    Meir); Rashi and School of Rashi
    exegetes, Karaite. See Karaism/Karaite
    exile. See Babylonian exile
    Exodus: 1 – 11, 251; 2:9, 308; 2:22, 74; 3:6, 136;
    12:2, 102; 12:6, 49 – 50; 13:9, 112; 15:15 – 16,

308; 15:18, 188 – 89; 15:25, 132; 18:3, 74; 19 – 20,
277; 20:1, 103; 20:8 – 11, 117 – 18; 21:1, 111;
21:2 – 6, 272 – 73; 21:17, 50; 22:9, 51; 22:10, 52;
23:10 – 13, 309; 33:19, 133; 33:21, 134; 34:27, 39;
36 – 40, 191
Exodus commentaries, 48 – 49, 221
Exodus Rabbah: §25:3, 311; §47:1, 103
extra-scriptural traditions, 52 – 53, 58, 60 – 61
Ezekiel, 216; 1:1 – 4, 115 – 16; 5:15, 143; 18, 255;
24:24, 121n31; 38:17, 71 – 72
Ezekiel (commentaries on), 249 – 53, 257 – 58
Ezekiel (prophet), 115 – 16
Ezra 7:10, 104
Ezra and Nehemiah, 212, 234, 305
Ezra ben Solomon, 160 – 61
faith. See reason and faith
Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan, 34, 42
fetishism, 224, 238
Fishbane, Michael, 197 – 98
the Five Books of Moses. See Pentateuch
the Five Scrolls. See Writings (Ketuvim)
Fohrer, Georg, 251
Fraade, Steven D., 5, 260 – 61
Frankfurt school of neo-Orthodoxy. See
Freudianism, 286, 289, 292. See also binding
of Isaac
Gamliel (Rabban), 54
Geiger, Abraham, 209
Gemarah, 32. See also Talmud(s)
Genesis: 1, 116 – 18, 269 – 71; 1:1, 111, 116; 1:31, 117,
133, 258; 2, 269 – 71; 2:1, 153; 3, 270; 3:8, 106;
9:5, 255; 11 – 12, 270; 11:27 – 28, 20; 11:29 – 32,
21; 11:31, 21; 12:1, 20 – 21; 12:1 – 4, 21; 12:10 – 20,
308; 18:1 – 3, 149; 19:30 – 38, 308; 22, 285 – 87,
289; 22:1, 67 – 68; 22:2, 119n4; 25:22, 104;
27:36, 192 – 93; 28:15, 151; 29:25, 193; 32:25,
149; 32:31, 149; 37:2, 111, 113 – 14; 38, 308;
46:2, 150; 46:4, 150
Genesis commentaries, 221, 247
Genesis Rabbah: §1:2, 175n5; §59, 67; §8:2,
German culture and philosophy, 179
Gershom (son of Moses), 73 – 74
Gideon, 189
Ginsberg, Asher H. See Ahad Ha’Am
Glatzer, Nachum, 184
God, 21 – 22, 24 – 26, 79n19, 116 – 18, 162.
See also monotheism/monotheistic
worldview; theurgy; Yhwh; attri-
butes of, 129 – 30, 151, 159, 270;
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