Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1
Index 329

isomorphism, 165 – 67
Israel (people), 223 – 26, 234. See also national
development and identity
Israel Baal Shem Tov. See Baal Shem Tov
Israel’s Independence Day. See Yom Ha-
Atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day)
I-Th ou experiences. See encounters,
Ivry, Alfred, 138n18

Jacob (patriarch) narrative, 192 – 93
Jacob ben Sheshet, 160
Jacob’s ladder, 150 – 51
Jacobson, David, 282
James I of Aragon (king), 141
Jephthah’s daughter, 286, 291
Jerusalem Talmud. See Palestinian (Jerusa-
lem) Talmud
Jewish history, 223 – 25. See also Holocaust;
Jewish survival; national development and
identity; Zionism and Zionists
Jewish martyrdom. See national sacrifi ce
Jewish mysticism, 139 – 40, 157 – 74, 159. See
also sefi rot [manifestations/powers of
God]; Zohar; on God, 157, 160 – 74; Mai-
monides’s view, 138n27; Nahmanides and,
142, 145 – 47, 161; scriptural language and,
77n9; on Torah, 161 – 65
Jewish nationalism. See national development
and identity
Jewish survival, 232 – 33, 238, 245n30. See also
national development and identity; na-
tional sacrifi ce
Jews and Judaism, secular, 8 – 9, 299 – 316,
Jews of Russia, 232
Joseph (rabbi), 125 – 26
Joseph of Hamadan, 164 – 66
Josephus, 33
Joshua, 305 – 7; 2, 308; 6:21 – 24, 304; 7:14 – 18,
308; 8:22 – 29, 304; 10:24 – 26, 304; 13 – 17,
307; 13:1, 307
Joshua (person), 70, 71 – 74
Joshua ben Levi, 38, 40
Josiah’s reform, 234
Jubilees, 276 – 77
Judaeo-Arabic culture, 82 – 88, 98. See also
Karaism/Karaite Judaism
Judah [bar R. Simeon] bar Pazzi. See Judah
ben R. Shimon (Simeon/Simon)
Judah ben R. Shalom, 39
Judah ben R. Shimon (Simeon/Simon), 37 –
40, 310

Judges: 1:5 – 7, 303; 2:13 – 16, 305; 8:22 – 23, 189;
17 – 18, 73, 75; 17:1, 73 – 75; 18:30, 73 – 75
kabbalah and kabbalists. See Jewish
Kalisch, M. M., 213 – 14
Kamin, Sarah, 105
Kant, Immanuel, infl uence of, 246n40,
268 – 69
Kara, Yosef (rabbi), 107 – 10, 112, 115
Karaism/Karaite Judaism, 80 – 83, 85 – 87, 93 –
94; approach to halakhah, 88 – 91; biblical
exegesis and, 83 – 88, 91 – 92, 98; historical
approach, 97; messianism and, 82; narra-
tive and literary approach, 94 – 96
Karaite-Rabbanite rift. See Rabbanite-Karaite
Kartun-Blum, Ruth, 282
Katznelson, Berl, 287
Kaufmann, Yehezkel, 218, 223 – 27, 230 – 46,
243n5; on biblical criticism, 223 – 24, 230 –
31; education, 232 – 33, 244n10; infl uence on
Moshe Greenberg, 247 – 48; on monothe-
ism, 231, 233, 236 – 42; on Torah, 224 – 26
Ketuvim (Writings). See Writings (Ketuvim)
Kimhi, David, 92 – 93, 148
Kings. See 1 Kings
kings, Israelite, 40 – 41. See also under indi-
vidual names
Kitvei Ha-qodesh (sacred texts). See Ta n a k h
Klausner, Margot, 291 – 92
knowledge, 35, 133, 177n37, 242. See also
empiricism and empiricists; Jewish mysti-
cism; human, 82, 134, 237; religious, 108 –
10, 124 – 25, 127 – 30
Kohelet. See Ecclesiastes
Kohelet Rabbah §1:29, 45n12
Kook, Abraham Isaac, 270
Kreisel, Howard, 137n7
Kristeva, Julia, 293
Kronos, 186
Kugel, James, 67, 77n8, 104
Laban (person), 193
Lamdan, Yitzhak, 287 – 88
Lamentations, 24
lammah ne’emar (why was this stated?),
49 – 50
Land of Israel, 80, 82, 99, 300 – 304, 309 – 10.
See also national development and identity
language, human, 66, 75, 124, 127, 135, 307 – 9
language, scriptural. See scriptural language
law, biblical, 112, 216, 222, 225
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