Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1

330 Index

“leading words,” 191 – 92
lectionaries and lectionary cycles/practices,
15 – 27
legal rulings and traditions, 57, 59 – 60, 82,
88 – 89. See also halakhah and halakhot
Leibowitz, Yeshayahu, 212
Leon, Moshe ben Shem Tov de, 162
Leviticus: 1:5, 59; 1:10, 57 – 58; 5:5, 56 – 57; 11:33,
58 – 59; 15:2, 56; 16:1 – 34, 22; 16, 24; 16:29 34,
22; 17:3, 54 – 55; 17:8, 56; 17:10, 54 – 55; 17:13,
53, 55 – 56; 18:6, 56; 22:4, 55; 22:17 – 20, 55;
23:5 – 11, 275 – 76; 23:15, 275 – 76; 23:16 – 21,
275 – 76; 25:39 – 55, 272 – 73
Leviticus commentaries, 214 – 16
Lichtenstein, Aharon, 271
“Lifnei Aron Ha-sfarim,” 299
linguistics and grammar studies, 86, 93 – 94.
See also Hebrew language and grammar
listening, biblical, 132
literary devices, 54, 95, 111, 117, 191
literary exegesis, 87. See also biblical exegesis
liturgical poems. See piyyutim (liturgical
liturgy, 28 – 29, 29n9
logic, 81 – 82. See also rationalism and
Lonely Man of Faith, 271
Lot (person), 20 – 21
Luria, Isaac, 169
“lyric” illumination, 190 – 94

Maggid of Miedzirec. See Dov Baer, the Great
Maggid of Miedzirec
magic, 158, 161, 168 – 70
Magog. See Gog and Magog
Maimonides, Moses (ben Maimon), 9 – 10,
123 – 38; on God, 129 – 30, 133 – 35; on
Hebrew language, 145; on morality, 129 –
30; on mysticism, 138n27; Nahmanides
and, 139 – 41, 148 – 50; on scripture and
exegesis, 128 – 36; on Torah, 124 – 35
Malbim. See Weiser, Meir Leibush
Marah, waters of, 132
markers. See hermeneutic markers
martyrdom. See national sacrifi ce
Masoretic text (MT), 249 – 52
Medad. See Eldad and Medad
Meir (rabbi), 43, 108 – 9
Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael (on Exodus), 48 –
49, 60; Neziqin §5, 50; Neziqin §16, 51
Mekhilta of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai (on
Exodus), 48 – 49
memorization and orality in midrash, 78n15

Menahem Nahum of Chernobyl, 174
Mendelssohn, Moses, 208
Men of the Great Assembly, 121n31
Messianic era and messianism, 82, 127 – 28
metadivine. See polytheism/polytheistic
metaphysics and physics, 130 – 32, 137n7
midrash and midrashic interpretations, 3,
32, 44, 103 – 4, 106 – 7, 109. See also aggadah
and aggadic interpretations; biblical ex-
egesis; approaches, 60, 92 – 93; classical, 84;
extra-scriptural traditions and, 58; legal,
48 – 50, 58; modern, 197, 282; relationships
among verses, 67 – 75; on scripture/scrip-
tural language, 64 – 76, 197 – 99; Talmud(s)
and, 65
midrash mekhonen (constitutive), 60
midrash somekh (supporting), 60
Mikra Le Yisra’el commentary series, 253
Milcah (person), 21
minayin (whence) legal rulings, 57
Miqra (reading), 80, 170 – 71. See also Tanakh;
Written Torah
miqraot gedolot [Rabbinic Bible], 142
mishem (in the name of ) a [sage], 53
Mishnah (m.), 3, 32, 90. See also Oral Torah;
Av o t 1, 42 – 43; Av o t 6, 120n20; Megillah 4:4,
27; Sotah 5:2, 59; Ye b a m o t h 8:3, 309; Yom a
8:9, 30n12
Mishnah Commentary [Maimonides], 131
Mishneh Torah, 123, 126 – 32, 137n5, 140
monotheism/monotheistic worldview,
245n25, 306 – 7. See also polytheism/
polytheistic worldview; Kaufmann’s view,
224 – 26, 236 – 40, 242; Maimonides’s view,
morality. See ethics and morality
Morgenstern, Julian, 217
Moses, 70 – 74, 97, 134, 206 – 7; Abraham’s
legacy and, 129, 132; author/editor of
Torah, 103, 117 – 18, 133 – 34, 144, 147, 228n4;
monotheism/monotheistic worldview and,
238, 242; role in revelation, 38 – 43, 158, 161,
175n4; Song at the Sea, 143
Moshe Hayyim Ephrayyim of Sudylkov. See
Ephrayyim, Moshe Hayyim
Mossinsohn, Yigal, 288 – 89
Mount Sinai. See revelation; Sinai and Sinai
Mr. Mani, 290
mudawwin (composer-compiler), 95 – 96
Muhammad, 96
Muslims. See Islam and Islamists
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