Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1
Index 331

My Father’s House, 301
mysticism. See Jewish mysticism

Naboth’s vineyard, 310
Nahmanides, Moses (ben Nahman), 93, 118,
139 – 56; on biblical exegesis, 142 – 43; com-
mentaries, 144, 154; as communal leader,
139 – 41; on creation, 148 – 49; on God, 143,
145; on Hebrew language, 145; ibn Ezra,
Abraham and, 141 – 42, 151 – 53; on idolatry,
146; as intersection and mediator, 139 – 41;
Jewish mysticism and, 142, 145 – 47; Mai-
monides and, 139 – 41, 148 – 50; Rashi and,
141 – 42, 151 – 53
Nahor (person), 20 – 21
Nakh, 2 – 3. See also Prophets (Nevi ’im); Writ-
ings (Ketuvim)
Th e Name, 294
narrative, biblical, 190 – 91. See also Bible/bib-
lical literature
narrative technique, 95 – 96. See also literary
national development and identity, 39,
223 – 26, 300; Bible/biblical literature and,
280 – 81, 286 – 95; communal, 19, 48; secu-
larization, 282
national sacrifi ce, 285 – 95. See also
Navon, Gad, 303
In the Negev Plains, 288 – 89
Nehemiah: 4:1 – 2, 305; 4:10 – 11, 305; 8:8,
45nn9 – 10
Nehemiah (person), 305
neo-Orthodoxy, 286
Nevi ’im (Prophets). See Prophets (Nevi ’im)
Nūh., Abū Ya‘qūb Yūsuf ibn, 94
Numbers: 11, 75; 11:16, 70; 11:18, 70; 11:26,
70 – 72; 11:26 – 29, 70; 11:27, 73 – 75; 11:28,
70, 72; 28:4, 50; 28:8, 49 – 50; 29:7 – 11,
22 – 23
Numbers Rabbah: §13.15, 275; §15.15 (15.19),
70, 73, 75

oaths, 52, 160
off erings, 57 – 58. See also paschal off erings;
sacrifi cial cult and sacrifi ces
omnisignifi cance, 104 – 7, 274 – 75, 277
Onkelos, 150 – 51
Only Yesterday, 288
orality. See memorization and orality in
Oral Torah, 5 – 6, 26 – 27, 31 – 44, 81 – 82, 103,
171 – 72; authenticity of, 88; Karaites’ view,

89 – 91; mishnah [memorization or repeti-
tion], 45n10; sefi rot and, 161
Or Ha-Emet, 170
Orthodox movement, 210 – 12, 268 – 69.
See also neo-Orthodoxy
Oz, Amos, 290
P (Priestly) document, 216, 225 – 26
paganism, 224. See also polytheism/polythe-
istic worldview
Palestinian (Jerusalem) Talmud, 36 – 38, 40
parables, 125 – 26, 128 – 31
paschal off erings, 49 – 50
Passover, 275 – 76
Pentateuch, 2 – 3, 17 – 19, 29n5, 203 – 29. See also
Written Torah
Pentateuchal criticism and scholarship, 203 –
10, 224, 227
Perez (person), 308
perfection, quest for, 124
peshat [plain meaning of text], 92 – 93, 104 –
14, 145, 274, 311. See also peshat/derash
peshat/derash distinction, 105 – 7, 119 – 20n13,
271 – 76
Pharisees, 33 – 34
philology/philological analysis, 214 – 15, 223,
225, 259, 276
philosophy and philosophers, 153, 185. See
also Guide of the Perplexed; Jewish mysti-
cism; Karaism/Karaite Judaism; metaphys-
ics and physics; rationalism and rational-
ists; under individual names
physics. See metaphysics and physics
Pirkei Avot, 312
piyyutim (liturgical poems), 28 – 29
polytheism/polytheistic worldview, 224,
245n27. See also fetishism; monotheism/
monotheistic worldview; Buber and
Rosenzweig’s view, 184; Kaufmann’s view,
236 – 40
Presidential Residence’s Group on Bible and
the Sources of Israel, 314
Prophets (Nevi ’im), 2, 4 – 7, 17 – 20, 24 – 26
prophets and prophecy, 78 – 79n18, 115 – 16,
132, 135 – 36, 226. See also under individual
Protestant Christianity, 6, 8, 11n3, 82
Proverbs: 2:4 – 5, 108; 8:14, 109; 22:17, 110; 25:11,
Psalms: 16:3, 145; 19:8, 108; 62:12, 106; 65:2,
136; 73:28, 134; 79:9, 143; 111:6, 102
purity versus impurity, 135, 138n26
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