Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1

332 Index

Qinyan Torah, 108
al-Qirqisānī, Yūsuf Ya‘qub, 91, 97 – 99
al-Qumīsī, Daniel, 85

Rabbanism. See rabbinic Judaism
Rabbanite-Karaite rift , 81 – 83, 88 – 89, 91 – 93,
Rabbi Judah the Patriarch, 32
Rabbinic Bible. See miqraot gedolot [Rabbinic
rabbinic Judaism, 34 – 35, 44, 107 – 8, 300. See
also Rabbanite-Karaite rift ; rabbinic litera-
ture and texts; torah lishma (selfl ess Torah
study); authority of, 115, 256; exegesis and,
110 – 13; halakhah and, 110 – 11; medieval
Islamic period and, 82 – 83, 92; on revela-
tion, 40, 43; on scripture, 68 – 69, 78n14; on
study, 41 – 43
rabbinic literature and texts, 3 – 6, 34, 48, 84.
See also midrash and midrashic interpreta-
tions; Mishnah (m.); Oral Torah; rabbinic
Judaism; Talmud(s); authority of, 80;
rejection of, 299; on repentance and atone-
ment, 23 – 24; scriptural nature, 13n21
Rachel (poet), 291
Rahab (person), 308
Rambam. See Maimonides, Moses (ben
Ramban. See Nahmanides, Moses (ben
Rashbam (R. Samuel ben Meir), 110 – 18, 258,
272 – 73, 319
Rashi and School of Rashi, 92, 102 – 3, 106,
116 – 17; biblical exegesis and, 112 – 14, 258;
Nahmanides and, 141 – 42, 151 – 53
rationalism and rationalists, 81 – 82, 139 –

  1. See also Maimonides, Moses (ben
    reader, the, 112, 136, 189 – 90, 192 – 94, 195 – 99
    reason and faith, 237
    Recanati, Menahem, 167
    redactor, role of, 115 – 16, 121 – 22n35, 251. See
    also mudawwin (composer-compiler)
    Reform movement, 208 – 9
    religion, biblical/Israelite, 224 – 25, 239 – 40.
    See also monotheism/monotheistic
    repentance and atonement. See atonement
    and repentance
    revelation, 33, 40, 45n12, 183, 190 – 94. See also
    God; Moses; Torah
    Ricoeur, Paul, 197
    Rosenzweig, Adam, 179

Rosenzweig, Franz, 179 – 202; on Bible, 181 –
82, 185 – 99; on Christianity, 180; on God,
183 – 89, 199; on Jewish law, 180 – 81; on rev-
elation, 190 – 94; on Zionism, 180
ruah. and ruah. le’umi (collective spirit [or cre-
ative potential]), 232, 235, 238, 240, 246n36
Sa‘adiah Gaon, 82, 85 – 86, 92, 94
Sabbath, 153
sacrifi cial cult and sacrifi ces, 49 – 50, 57 – 59,
131 – 32
Sadducees, 275 – 76
Samuel (prophet), 115
Samuel 1. See 1 Samuel
Samuel 2. See 2 Samuel
Samuel bar, 38
Samuel bar R. Isaac, 36 – 37
Sarah/Sarai (matriarch), 21, 149 – 50, 291
Saul (king), 300 – 301, 308
Schechter, Solomon, 217
Schneerson, Menahem Mendel, 177 – 78n39
Scholem, Gershom, 159, 198
Schweid, Eliezer, 197 – 98
science, 125, 137n6, 211, 268 – 69
scribes, 54. See also redactor, role of
scriptural language, 66 – 69, 78n17, 126; exam-
ples, 70 – 76; Jewish mysticism and, 77n9;
Maimonides’s view, 124, 135 – 36; matrices,
68 – 70, 78n15; parables, 125 – 26
scripture alone. See sola scriptura (scripture
scripture(s), 1 – 5, 7, 136. See also Bible/bibli-
cal literature; extra-scriptural traditions;
Miqra (reading); Tanakh; approaches and
assumptions, 64 – 76, 77n8; authority of,
10 – 11, 48, 50 – 51, 131; authorship of, 114 – 16,
205 (see also Moses; Torah); canonization
of (see canon and canonization); Chris-
tian view, 6, 8, 78n11, 82, 110, 120 – 21n22;
conception of, 12n9, 61, 78n11, 112, 135, 157;
Greenberg’s view, 249, 259 (see also biblical
exegesis); interpretation and intervention,
50 – 52; Israeli secular culture and, 299 – 316;
Maimonides’s view, 124, 128 – 31, 135; Nah-
manides’s view, 141 – 44, 147 – 48, 154, 155n11;
oral/aural aspect, 6 – 7, 13n22, 78n15; recita-
tion of, 15 – 27; theology of, 260 – 62
secret of divine names, 158, 175n4
secular Jews, 304
seers. See prophets and prophecy
Sefer ha-Madda, 140
Sefer Shimmushei Torah, 158, 161
Sefer Yetsira, 153
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