Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1
Index 333

sefi rot [manifestations/powers of God], 157,
159, 161 – 62, 166, 175 – 76n13, 177nn36 – 37
Segal, M. Z., 218
sermons. See homilies
Shaked, Gershon, 282
Shaked, Malka, 282 – 83
Shamir, Moshe, 289
Shammai, 34 – 36
Shapira, Anita, 281
Shavuot, 275 – 77
Shazar, Zalman, 233
Shifra, Shin, 293 – 94
Shi ’ur Qomah literature, 158 – 59, 161
Shnei Luh.ot Ha-Berit (Ha-Shelah), 172 – 73
Shneor Zalman of Liady, 170 – 71, 177n36
Sibawayhī, 94
Sifra (on Leviticus), 48 – 49, 53 – 58; Ah.arei
Mot Parashah §6.3, 55; Ah.arei Mot Para-
shah §8.1 – 2, 54; Ah.arei Mot Pereq §10.2,
56; Ah.arei MotPereq §11.1, 56; Ah.arei Mot
Pereq §13.1, 56; Beh.uqqotay Pereq §8:12,
45n3; Emor Parashah §7.1, 55; Hova Pereq
§1.12, 54; Hova Pereq §14.2 – 3, 57; Metzora
Zavim Parashah §1.1, 56; Nedava Para-
shah §5.4, 57; Shemini Parashah §7.4, 54;
Shemini Parashah §7.12, 59; Shemini Para-
shah §8.5, 54; Shemini Pereq §5.10, 54
Sifre Deuteronomy, 41, 48 – 49; §122, 53; §351,
Sifre Numbers, 48 – 50; §143, 49 – 50
silence (medium), 136
Simon, Uriel, 107
Sinai and Sinai narrative, 116 – 18. See also
Sister, Moshe, 300
Smith, Anthony D., 281
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, 4
sod [esoteric meaning of text], 145, 158
sofer. See redactor, role of
sola scriptura (scripture alone), 44, 45n9, 82,
Solomon (king), 110, 125 – 26
Solomon ben Isaac (rabbi). See Rashi and
School of Rashi
Soloveitchik, Hayyim, 270
Soloveitchik, Joseph Dov, 271
Song at the Sea, 143
Song of Songs (commentary), 106, 160
source criticism and critics. See biblical criti-
cism and critics
Speiser, Ephraim Avigdor, 247 – 48
Stock, Brian, 81, 98
Strauss, Leo, 179 – 80, 195 – 96

study of Torah for its own sake. See torah
lishma (selfl ess Torah study)
sunna (Islamic oral law or received tradi-
tion), 82
survival. See Jewish survival
synagogue, the, 15 – 27, 318. See also liturgy
Tabernacle. See Tent of Meeting/Tabernacle
talismanics, 168 – 70
talmud lomar (what is the instruction?),
49 – 50
Talmud(s), 3 – 4, 32, 90, 109. See also Babylo-
nian Talmud (BT); Palestinian (Jerusalem)
Talmud; authority of, 115; Brisker system of
study, 270 – 71; Maimonides’s view, 132 – 33;
midrash and, 65; Nahmanides’s view, 141
talmud torah lishama. See torah lishma (self-
less Torah study)
Ta n ha-Yerushalmi, 92
Tanakh, 11n1, 18, 44n1. See also Bible/biblical
literature; Pentateuch; Prophets (Nevi ’im);
scripture(s); Torah; Writings (Ketuvim)
Tannaic period and tannaim, 48, 65 – 66, 319
Tarfon (rabbi), 59 – 60
targum. See Aramaic translation (targum)
Tchernowitz yeshivah, 232, 244n10
tefi llin (phylacteries), 112
Temple cult, 24, 29n8
Tent of Meeting/Tabernacle narrative, 191 – 92
Terah (person), 20 – 21
Tetragrammaton. See Yhwh
textual criticism. See biblical criticism and
critics; biblical exegesis
t.hāhir [context-bound exegesis], 93
theologians and theology, 9 – 10, 183 – 86,
190 – 91, 249
theurgy, 166, 170
thirteen articles of faith, 123
Th ree Days and a Child, 290
Tisha b’Av, 24, 30n13
Torah, 2 – 3, 12 – 13n19, 128, 138n14, 204. See
also anthropomorphism; Oral Torah;
Written Torah; authorship of, 205, 268 – 69
(see also Moses); biblical criticism/critics
and, 209 – 12; Breuer’s view, 267 – 68, 272-78;
canonical, 19, 207, 233 – 34 (see also canon
and canonization); Cassuto’s view, 219 – 20;
chanting/translating of, 27 – 28, 30n17, 37 –
38, 45n6; conception of, 102 – 3, 131, 135, 143,
157 – 65; Greenberg’s view, 256 – 57; Halivni’s
view, 212 – 13; Hoff mann’s view, 214 – 17; hu-
man language and, 124, 129, 137n2, 307 – 9;
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