Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1

334 Index

Torah (continued )
as an intermediary, 157 – 74, 172 – 73; inter-
pretations, 99, 113; kabbalistic conceptions
of, 161 – 65; Kaufmann’s view, 224 – 26;
Leibowitz’s view, 212; letters of, 169 – 71;
Maimonides’s view, 128 – 35; Nahmanides’s
view, 141 – 43, 145 – 47, 154; as name(s) of
God/divine body, 159 – 61; overt (manifest)/
hidden (secret) levels, 158, 162 – 64; Rashi’s
view, 103; reading of, 22, 29n6, 171; sanctity
of, 116 – 18; science and, 137n6; Segal’s view,
218; study of, 108 – 9, 165, 174 (see also torah
lishma (selfl ess Torah study))
Torah Book Week (Israeli book fair), 47
torah lishma (selfl ess Torah study), 108 – 9,
174, 256, 265n37
torah she-be‘al peh. See Oral Torah
torah she-bikhtav. See Written Torah
Torat ha-Behinot (theory of aspects), 267 – 69
To s a fi sts, 139 – 40
To s a f o t, 4
To s e ft a (t.), 17; Megillah 3(4):21, 45n6
To the End of the Land, 294 – 95
tradition, traditionalism, and traditionalists,
12n18, 139 – 40
Twersky, Isadore, 142
tzimtzum (contraction), 169 – 70

Ugaritic literature, 219
uncleanness. See purity versus impurity
Urbach, Ephraim E., 240 – 41
Ur of the Chaldeans, 20 – 21

values in the Bible, 253 – 55, 310 – 11

waters of Marah, 132
Weiser, Meir Leibush, 274
Weiss, David. See Halivni, David (Weiss)
Wellhausen, Julius and Wellhausenian ap-
proach, 207, 214, 216 – 21, 223 – 24; Breuer’s

view, 269; Hoff man’s view, 214 – 17;
Kaufmann’s view, 225 – 26, 231, 241, 243n6
Wiener, Harold, 217
“Wild Man,” 290 – 91
Wise, I. M., 217
women and national sacrifi ce, 291 – 95
women in the Bible, 284
worship. See liturgy; sacrifi cial cult and sacri-
fi ces; synagogue, the
Writings (Ketuvim), 2, 4. See also Ecclesiastes;
Lamentations; Proverbs entries; Psalms
entries; Song of Songs (commentary)
Written Torah, 5 – 6, 26 – 27, 31 – 44, 118,
176n28; miqra’, 45n10, 171 – 72; sefi rot and,
161; study of, 40 – 41
Yefet ben ‘Eli, 90 – 92, 94 – 99
Yehoshua (rabbi), 59
Yehoshua, A. B., 289 – 90
yekhol [could mean] legal rulings, 56 – 57
Yeshivat Har-Etzion, 271
Yhwh, 21 – 22, 25, 52. See also God; monothe-
ism/monotheistic worldview
Yishmael (rabbi). See Ishmael (rabbi)
Yizhar, S., 289
Yo h.anan (rabbi), 38, 40, 50, 59
Yom Ha-Atzmaut (Israel’s Independence
Day), 305
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), 22 – 24, 50
Zadoq (rabbi), 53 – 54
Zecheriah 5:5 – 8, 90
Ze’ev Wolf of Zhitomir, 173
Zionism and Zionists, 232, 282; Bible and,
7 – 9, 299 – 301; Buber and Rosenzweig, 180;
Hebrew literature and, 285 – 86; Kaufmann,
Zohar, 4, 162; 1:134a – b, 175n5; 3:35b, 175n5
Zohar, Noam, 260
Zunz, Leopold, 208 – 9
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