Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1

30 Elsie Stern

  1. All English translations are from the New Revised Standard Version (1989).

  2. See m. Yoma 8:9 for an early rabbinic expression of this idea.

  3. In later historical periods, other tragedies were also added to the list of
    events commemorated on the day.

  4. For a detailed analysis of this sequence, see Elsie Stern, “Transforming
    Comfort: Hermeneutics and Th eology in the Haft arot of Consolation,” Prooft exts
    23 (2003): 150 – 81.

  5. Th e Complete Abudarham (Jerusalem: Usha, 1958), 203 (in Hebrew; transla-
    tion mine).

  6. See chapter 3 by Steven Fraade in this volume.

  7. Contemporary communities that follow Yemenite tradition still perform an
    intralinear Hebrew-Aramaic reading. In these communities, the Aramaic transla-
    tion is Targum Onkelos, a translation that was current in the rabbinic period.

  8. See, for example, Rachel Anisfeld, Sustain Me with Raisin-Cakes: Pesikta
    deRav Kahana and the Popularization of Rabbinic Judaism (Leiden, Netherlands:
    Brill, 2009), 16 – 19.

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