Jewish Concepts of Scripture

(Grace) #1


Acknowledgments ix

1 Introduction: Scriptures in Jewish Tradition, and
Traditions as Jewish Scripture 1
Benjamin D. Sommer

2 Concepts of Scripture in the Synagogue Service 15
Elsie Stern

3 Concepts of Scripture in Rabbinic Judaism:
Oral Torah and Written Torah 31
Steven D. Fraade

4 Concepts of Scripture in the Schools of
Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Ishmael 47
Azzan Yadin-Israel

5 Concepts of Scriptural Language in Midrash 64
Benjamin D. Sommer

6 Concepts of Scripture among the Jews of the
Medieval Islamic World 80
Meira Polliack

7 Concepts of Scripture in the School of Rashi 102
Robert A. Harris

8 Concepts of Scripture in Maimonides 123
James A. Diamond

9 Concepts of Scripture in Nahmanides 139
Aaron W. Hughes

10 Concepts of Scripture in Jewish Mysticism 157
Moshe Idel

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