chapter four
The first interesting difference is that Luke has prefixed a passage
from his own tradition that does not appear in Matthew or Mark to the
institution of the Eucharist. Jesus announces, before the institution of
the bread and cup, that he has been looking forward to eating Passover
with his disciples before his suffering because after this, he will not eat
(Passover) before the arrival of the kingdom of God. Jesus also passes on
the cup, exhorts the disciples to share it with each other and says that
he will not drink wine before the arrival of the kingdom of God (Luke
:–). Matthew and Mark do not have exact parallels to this passage
although they have Jesus say, after the institution, that Jesus will not drink
wine until he will drink that new in the Kingdom of God/Father (Mark
: par. Matt :). Second, Luke’s wording in the description of the
institution of the bread and cup also differs from Matthew and Mark but
largely agrees with the tradition Paul is quoting in . Cor :–.
These differences are clearly observable in the Greek text of Nestle-
Aland’s latest editions (from the th onwards) and in most of the
modern translations. However, there is also a third interesting difference
in some of the manuscripts. Codex Bezae (D), Old Latin and Old Syriac
manuscripts have a shorter version of the institution of the Eucharist
which ends in the middle of verse ::
Longer Text (RSV, modified) Shorter text (RSV, modified)
: And he said to them, “I have
earnestly desired to eat this passover
with you before I suffer;
it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.”
: And he took a cup, and when he
had given thanks he said, “Take this,
and divide it among yourselves;
: for I tell you that from now on I
until the kingdom of God comes.”
: And he took bread, and when he
had given thanks he broke it and gave
it to them, saying, “This is my body
remembrance of me.”
: And likewise the cup after supper,
saying, “This cup is the new covenant
in my blood, that is shed for you.”
: And he said to them, “I have
earnestly desired to eat this passover
with you before I suffer;
: for I tell you I shall not eat it until
it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.”
had given thanks he said, “Take this,
and divide it among yourselves;
: for I tell you that from now on I
shall not drink of the fruit of the vine
until the kingdom of God comes.”
: And he took bread, and when he
had given thanks he broke it and gave
it to them, saying, “This is my body.”