Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1

Aejmelaeus, Lars
 Die Rezeption der Paulusbriefe in der Miletrede (Apg :–). Annales
Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae B. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum

Aland, Kurt & Barbara Aland
 The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions
and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Trans. Erroll
F. Rhodes. Leiden: Brill.

Arnal, William E.
 “The Rhetoric of Marginality: Apocalypticism, Gnosticism, and Sayings
Gospels.”Harvard Theological Review, –.

Asgeirsson, Jon Ma.
 “Arguments and Audience(s) in the Gospel of Thomas (Part I).”Society
of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers, –.

Attridge, Harold W.
 “Appendix: The Greek Translations.”NagHammadi CodexII, –. Togeth-
erwithXIII, *, Brit. Lib. Or. (), andPOxy , , : Gospel Accord-
ing to Thomas, Gospel According to Philip, Hypostasis of the Archons, and
Indexes. Ed. Bentley Layton. Nag Hammadi Studies . Leiden: Brill, –

Baarda, Tjitze
 Early Transmission of Words of Jesus: Thomas, Tatian and the Text of the
New Testament. Amsterdam: VU Boekhandel/Uitgeverij.

Barth, Fredrik
 “Enduring and Emerging Issues in the Analysis of Ethnicity.”The Anthro-
pology of Ethnicity: Beyond “Ethnic Groups and Boundaries”.Ed.Hans
Vermeulen & Cora Govers. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, –.

Bauckham, Richard
 “The Origin of the Ebionites.”The Image of the Judaeo-Christians in
Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature.Ed.PeterJ.Tomson&Doris
Lambers-Petry. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testa-
ment . Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, –.

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