Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1

Aaron, , 
Abraham, , , –, , ,
, , , , , , ,
, 
Adam, , , –
adultery, –, 
Akiva, –
Alaric, 
Alchibiades, –
Alexandria, –, , , , ,
Alogi, 
Ambrosius, 
Ammonius Saccas, 
Ananias (high priest), 
Antidicomarians, 
Antioch, , –, , , , ,
, , 
conflict in, –, –
anti-Pauline, anti-Paulinism, ,
, –, , , –, , ,
, –, , , –,
see also Paul
anti-rabbinic collections, x, , ,
, –, , , , ,
reconstruction of, –, 
Apamea, –
Aphrahat, , –, 
apocalyptic, , 
see also eschatology
Apollinaris of Laodicea, , , 
Apostolic Decree, Council, , ,
Aramaic, , , , –, , ,
–, , –
translation of Matthew’s
Gospel, , , , , ,
, 
archisynagogue, 
Aristo of Pella, 

ascension, 
Ascents of James(Anabathmoi
Iakobou), , –, , , ,
ascetic, asceticism, , , , ,
, 
Ashtaroth, 
Asia Minor, , , 
Augustine, , , –, , 

Babylon, 
“Christian”, –, –, , ,
, , 
rabbinic, 
daily baptisms, lustrations, , ,
, 
of Jesus (by John), , , , ,
, , , , –, ,
, , , –, ,
–, , , 
of John the Baptist, , ,
Barabbas, Barrabban, , , ,
Bar Kochba war, , 
Bartholomew, 
Bashan, , 
Basic Writing(Pseudo-Clementine
source), , –, , , 
Beroea, , , , , , , ,
, 
Bethlehem, , , , , 
Book of Elchasai, , –, –,
–, , , , 
see also Elchasai
borders (of community), , , ,
bread, , , , , 
Eucharistic, –, –,
, , –
unleavened, , , , 
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