Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1
genera lindex 

Caesarea, , –, –, , ,
, –, , , , ,
, 
canon, canonical, , , , , ,
, , , –, –,
–, –, , ,
canonical gospels, , , , , ,
, –, , , , ,
–, , , , ,
, , , , , ,
–, , , , ,
, –, –, ,
, , 
canon tables of Eusebius, ,
, 
of Jewish scriptures, , , 
Muratorian canon, 
non-canonical, , , , ,
, , 
pre-canonical, , , 
Carpocrates, –, , 
categorization, , , , , 
Celsus, , 
Cerinthus, Cerinthians, –, ,
, , , –, , , , ,
–, , 
Chalcis, , , 
chiliasm, 
Christ, , –, , –, ,
, , , –, , –,
–, –, –, , –
, , , , , ,
–, –, , –
, –
Christology, –, , , ,
, 
possessionist Christology, –,
, , , , , –,
church order, 
Circuits of Peter(Periodoi Petrou;
Pseudo-Clementine source), ,
, , 
circumcision, –, –, , ,
, –, , , , –, ,
, 

Clement of Alexandria
life of, , , , , 
tutors of, 
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
Codex Bezae (D), , –, ,
Codex Sinaiticus (), , , 
Collyridians, 
Constantinople, 
Coptic Matthew, 
creation (of the world), , , ,
creed, , , 
crucifixion, to crucify, , , –
cursing, to curse, , , , –,
, –, , 
Cyprus, , , , , , , ,
, 

Damascus, , , 
Damasus (the Pope), , , ,
Daniel, 
David, , 
Decapolis, , 
Demetrius (the bishop), 
demiurge, , , 
Deuteronomistic (history), , ,
, 
deuterosis, deuterotai, , –
Diatessaron, , , , , –,
–, –, 
Arabic, –, –
pre-Diatessaronic, , , ,
–, , , –,
–, , 
and theGospel of Thomas, , ,
–, , –, ,
Diatessaronic witnesses, xii, –, ,
, , –, –, –
, , –, –, 
Didache, , , 
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
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