Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1

 genera lindex

Didascalia Apostolorum, , , 
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
Didymos Judas Thomas, 
Didymus the Blind, , , , ,
–, –

Easter dispute (timing of Easter/
Passover), , , –, ,
Ebion, –, –, , , , ,
–, –, 
Ebionites, –, –,passim.
Ebionites and the Hellenists, –
, –
see alsoGospel of the Ebionites
Edessa, 
Egypt, Egyptian, , , , , ,
, , , –, , ,
, , , 
Eighteen Benedictions, , , , 
Elchasai, Elchasaite, Elchasites
(Elxai), , –, –, –,
, , , 
see alsoBook of Elchasai
Eleutheropolis (Beth Guvrin), 
Elijah, , , 
Elisha, , 
Ephrem, , , , –, ,
, 
Epiphanius of Salamis,passim
life of, –
and Ebionites, –
and Nazarenes, –
eschatology, end-time, , –, ,
, , , , 
Eucharist, Last Supper, vi, , , ,
, –, –, –,
–, –, –, ,
Eusebius of Caesarea,passim
life of, 
and Ebionites, –
Eusebius’ canon tables, see canon
and theGospel of Hebrews, –
Evagrius, 

exemplars (cognitive), 
Ezekiel, , 
Jerome’s commentary on, –
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts

Farj, 
fast, fasting, –, 

gentiles, , –, –, , , ,
, , , –, , , , ,
, –, 
Gnostics, Gnosticism, gnosis ix, xiii,
, , –, , , , ,
, , , , , , –
, 
Gospel of the Apostles, , , –
Gospel of the Ebionites, , –,
Epiphanius’ quotations from, –
Last Supper in, –
in the New Two Gospel Hypothe-
sis, –, –, –
reconstruction of, –
in the Three Gospel Hypothesis,
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
Gospel of the Hebrews, –, –,
in the New Two Gospel Hypothe-
sis (NGH), –, –
and Q, –
reconstruction of, –
in the Three Gospel Hypothesis
(GH), –, –
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
“Gospel of the Nazarenes”, ix, x, ,
, , , –
in the New Two Gospel Hypothe-
sis (NGH), –, –
in the Three Gospel Hypothesis
(GH), –, –
see also anti-rabbinic collections
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