Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1
genera lindex 

Gospel of Thomas, , , , –
, , , 
and Jewish-Christian gospel
fragments, –
and the Three Gospel Hypothesis,
–, 
Greece, , 
Gregory of Nazianzus, 

Harclean Syriac (translations), 
harmonizing gospel traditions, v, ,
–, , , , , ,
–, , , , –,
–, –, , –,
, 
gospel harmony, , , , ,
Hebraica veritas, , , 
Hebrew Bible, , , , 
Hebrew gospel, gospel in Hebrew
letters/language, –, –,
–, –, –, ,
–, 
Hebrew Matthew, 
Hebrews, , , –, , ,
, 
Hellenists, Hellenistic, –, ,
, –, –, –,
, 
heresiology, heresiological, , –
, 
of Epiphanius, seePanarion
of Hippolytus (Refutatio omnium
haeresium), , –;
(Syntagma), 
of Irenaeus (Adversus haereses),
–, , , , ,passim
of Justin (Syntagma), , , 
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
heresy, , , , , , , , , 
of the Ebionites, , , , ,
, , , –
of the Nasarenes, 
of the Nazarenes, , , , –,
, , , , , , , 
Hexapla, 

Hidden Power (hayil kesai), , 
high priest(s), , , 
Hillel, –, 
Hippolytus, , , –, –,
–, , , , , 
forRefutatio omnium haeresium,
see heresiology
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
Hobah, 
Holy Land, , –
Holy Spirit, , , –, ,
, , , –, , –
, , 
as mother (of Jesus), , , ,
, , , , , ,
, –, , 
honor and shame, 

identity, , , , –, , ,
–, –, , –,
, –
social, , , 
Ignatius of Antioch, –, , ,
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
indicators of Jewish Christianity, ,
–, , , –, , ,
, , 
Ioseph Galilaeus, 
Ioudaikon, , –, , –,
Irenaeus of Lyons,passim
life of, 
and Ebionites, –
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
Isaac, , , 
Isaiah, , , 
Jerome’s commentary on, , ,
the Nazarene’s commentary on, x,
, –, , ,passim
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
see also anti-rabbinic collections
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