Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1

sterling, runia, niehoff, and van den hoek

Latin and English Abbreviations for Philo’s Works
Abr. De Abrahamo
Abraham On the Life of Abraham
Aet. De aeternitate mundi
Eternity On the Eternity of the World
Agr. De agricultura
Agriculture On Agriculture
Anim. De animalibus
Animals Whether Animals Have
Reason(= Alexander)
Cher. De cherubim
Cherubim On the Cherubim
Conf. De confusione linguarum
Confusion On the Confusion of Tongues
Contempl. De vita contemplativa
Contempl. Life On the Contemplative Life
Congr. De congressu eruditionis gratia
Prelim. Studies On the Preliminary Studies
Decal. De decalogo
Decalogue On the Decalogue
Deo De Deo
God On God
Det. Quod deterius potiori insidari
Worse That the Worse Attacks the
Deus Quod Deus sit immutabilis
Unchangeable That God Is Unchangeable
Ebr. De ebrietate
Drunkenness On Drunkenness
Exsecr. De exsecrationibus
Curses On Curses
Flacc. In Flaccum
Flaccus Against Flaccus
Fug. De fuga et inventione
Flight On Flight and Finding
Gig. De gigantibus
Giants On Giants
Her. Quis rerum divinarum heres sit
Heir Who Is the Heir?
Hypoth. Hypothetica
Hypothetica Hypothetica
Ios. De Iosepho
Joseph On the Life of Joseph

Leg.1, 2, 3 Legum allegoriaeI, II, III
Alleg. Interp. Allegorical Interpretation
1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3
Legat. Legatio ad Gaium
Embassy On the Embassy to Gaius
Migr. De migratione Abrahami
Migration On the Migration of Abraham
Mos.1, 2 De vita MosisI, II
Moses1, 2 On the Life of Moses1, 2
Mut. De mutatione nominum
Names On the Change of Names
Opif. De opificio mundi
Creation On the Creation of the World
Plant. De plantatione
Planting On Planting
Post. De posteritate Caini
Posterity On the Posterity of Cain
Praem. De praemiis et poenis
Rewards On Rewards and Punishments
Prob. Quod omnis probus liber sit
Good Person That Every GoodPerson Is Free
Prov.1, 2 De providentiaI, II
Providence1, 2 On Providence1, 2
QE1, 2 Quaestiones et solutiones in
ExodumI, II
QE1, 2 Questions and Answers on
Exodus1, 2
QG1, 2, 3, 4 Quaestiones et solutiones in
GenesinI, II, III, IV
QG1, 2, 3, 4 Questions and Answers on
Genesis1, 2, 3, 4
Sacr. De sacrificiis Abelis et Caini
Sacrifices On the Sacrifices of Cain and
Sobr. De sobrietate
Sobriety On Sobriety
Somn.1, 2 De somniisI, II
Dreams1, 2 On Dreams1, 2
Spec.1, 2, 3, 4 De specialibus legibus
Spec. Laws On the Special Laws
1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Virt. De virtutibus
Virtues On the Virtues

EERDMANS -- Early Judaism (Collins and Harlow) final text
Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:04:07 PM

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