Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Radice, Roberto, and David T. Runia. 1988.Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibli-
ography 1937-1986.Leiden: Brill.
Runia, David T. 2000.Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 1987-1996.
Leiden: Brill (updated each year inStudia Philonica Annual).
¾¾¾. 2012.Philo of Alexandria: An Annotated Bibliography 1997-2006.Leiden:
Reference Works
Borgen, Peder, Karl Fuglseth, and Roald Skarsten. 2000.The Philo Index: A Com-
plete Greek Word Index to the Writings of Philo of Alexandria.Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans; Leiden: Brill.
Runia, David T., and Gregory E. Sterling, eds. 1989-.The Studia Philonica Annual.
Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.
Sterling, Gregory E., ed. 2001-. The Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series.
Leiden: Brill.
Borgen, Peder. 1997.Philo of Alexandria: An Exegete for His Time.Leiden: Brill.
Bréhier, Émile. 1950.Les Idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d’Alexandrie.
Paris: Vrin.
Dillon, John M. 1996.The Middle Platonists, 80b.c.toa.d.220.Rev. ed. Ithaca: Cor-
nell University Press.
Goodenough, Erwin R. 1935.By Light, Light: The Mystic Gospel of Hellenistic Juda-
ism.New Haven: Yale University Press.
Goulet, Richard. 1987.La philosophie de Moïse: Essai de reconstitution d’un
commentaire philosophique préphilonien de pentateuque.Paris: Vrin.
Hadas-Lebel, Mirielle. 2012.Philo of Alexandria: A Thinker in the Jewish Diaspora.
Leiden: Brill.
Heinemann, Isaak. 1973.Philons griechische und jüdische Bildung: Kulturver-
gleichende Untersuchungen zu Philons Darstellung der jüdischen Gesetze.
Hildesheim: Olms.
Kamesar, Adam, ed. 2009.The Cambridge Companion to Philo.Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Nikiprowetzky, Valentin. 1977.Le commentaire de l’écriture chez Philon d’Alexan-
drie: Son caractère et sa portée; observations philologiques.Leiden: Brill.
Runia, David T. 1986.Philo of Alexandria and the Timaeus of Plato.Leiden: Brill.
¾¾¾. 1993.Philo in Early Christian Literature: A Survey.Assen: Van Gorcum;
Minneapolis: Fortress.
Tobin, Thomas H. 1983.The Creation of Man: Philo and the History of Interpreta-
tion.Washington, D.C.: Catholic Biblical Association of America.
Winston, David. 1985.Logos and Mystical Theology in Philo of Alexandria.
Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press; Hoboken, N.J.: KTAV.



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