Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Wolfson, Harry Austryn. 1948.Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Juda-
ism, Christianity, and Islam.2 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Zeller, Dieter. 2011.Studien zu Philo und Paulus.Göttingen: V&R unipress.

Questions and Answers on Genesis and Exodus
Armenian Text and Latin Translation
Aucher, Johannes Baptista. 1826.Philonis Judaei Paralipomena Armena, Libri Vide-
licet Quatuor in Genesin, Libri Duo in Exodum.Venice: Typis Coenobii PP.
Aremnorum in Insula S. Lazari.
English Translation
Marcus, Ralph. 1953.Philo of Alexandria.Suppl. vols. 1 and 2. LCL. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press.
French Translation
Mercier, Charles, and Abraham Terian. 1979-1992,Quaestiones in Genesinand
Quaestiones in Exodum.2 vols. Les Œuvres de Philon d’Alexandrie. Paris: Cerf.
Greek Fragments
Petit, Françoise. 1978.Quaestiones Fragmenta Graeca.Les Œuvres de Philon
d’Alexandrie. Paris: Cerf.
Paramelle, Joseph. 1984.Philon d’Alexandrie: Questions sur la Genèse II 1–7: Texte
grec, version arménienne, parallèles latins.Geneva: Patrick Cramer.
Ancient Latin Translation
Petit, Françoise. 1973.L’ancienne version latine des Questions sur la Genèse de Philon
d’Alexandrie.Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Royse, James R. 1976-1977. “The Original Structure of Philo’sQuaestiones.”Studia
Philonica4: 41-78.
Hay, David M., ed. 1991.Both Literal and Allegorical: Studies in Philo of Alexandria’s
Questions and Answers on Genesis and Exodus.Atlanta: Scholars Press.
Lombardi, Sara Mancini. 2010.Studies on the Armenian Version of Philo’s Works.
Leiden: Brill
Sterling, Gregory E. 1991. “Philo’sQuaestiones:Prolegomena or Afterthought?” In
Both Literal and Allegorical: Studies in Philo of Alexandria’s Questions and An-
swers on Genesis and Exodus.Ed. David M. Hay. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 99-123.
Terian, Abraham. 1991. “The Priority of theQuaestionesamong Philo’s Exegetical
Commentaries.” InBoth Literal and Allegorical: Studies in Philo of Alexandria’s
Questions and Answers on Genesis and Exodus.Ed. David M. Hay. Atlanta:
Scholars Press, 29-46.


sterling, runia, niehoff, and van den hoek

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