Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Allegorical Commentary
Borgen, Peder. 1997.Philo of Alexandria: An Exegete of His Time.Leiden: Brill.
Dawson, David. 1992.Allegorical Readers and Cultural Revision in Ancient Alexan-
dria.Berkeley: University of California Press, 73-126.
Long, A. A. 1992. “Stoic Readings of Homer.” InHomer’s Ancient Readers.Ed. Robert
Lamberton and John J. Keaney. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 41-66.
Morris, Jenny. 1987. “The Jewish Philosopher Philo.” In Emil Schürer,The History
of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.Rev. and ed. Geza Vermes and
Fergus Millar. Edinburgh: Clark, 3.2.840-68.
Niehoff, Maren. 2011.Jewish Exegesis and Homeric Scholarship in Alexandria.Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press.
Runia, David T. 1990. “The Structure of Philo’s Allegorical Treatises.” In idem,Exe-
gesis and Philosophy: Studies on Philo of Alexandria.Aldershot: Variorum, 202-
Terian, Abraham. 1991. “The Priority of the Quaestiones among Philo’s Exegetical
Commentaries.” InBoth Literal and Allegorical: Studies in Philo of Alexandria’s
Questions and Answers on Genesis and Exodus.Ed. David M. Hay. Atlanta:
Scholars Press, 29-46.
Tobin, Thomas H. 2000. “The Beginning of Philo’s Legum Allegoriae.”SPhA12:
Winston, David, and John Dillon. 1983.Two Treatises of Philo of Alexandria: A
Commentary on De Gigantibus and Quod Deus Sit Immutabilis.Chico, Calif.:
Scholars Press.

Exposition of the Law
Borgen, Peder. 1997.Philo of Alexandria: An Exegete for His Time.Leiden: Brill, 65-
Goodenough, Erwin R. 1933. “Philo’s Exposition of the Law and His De Vita
Mosis.”HTR25: 109-251.
Loader, William R. G. 2011.Philo, Josephus, and the Testaments on Sexuality: Atti-
tudes towards Sexuality in the Writings of Philo, Josephus and in the Testaments
of the Twelve Patriarchs.Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Morris, Jenny. 1987. “The Jewish Philosopher Philo.” In Emil Schürer,The History
of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.Rev. and ed. Geza Vermes et al.
Edinburgh: Clark, 3.1: 840-68.
Niehoff, Maren R. 2001.Philo on Jewish Identity and Culture.Tübingen: Mohr
Runia, David T. 2001.Philo of Alexandria: On the Creation of the Cosmos according
to Moses: Introduction, Translation and Commentary.Leiden: Brill.
Wilson, Walter. 2011.Philo, On Virtues: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary.
Leiden: Brill.



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