Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Winston, David. 1998. “Philo and the Rabbis on Sex and Body.”Poetics Today19:
Worthington, Jonathan D. 2011.Creation in Paul and Philo: The Beginning and Be-
fore.Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Philosophical Works
Anderson, Charles A. 2011.Philo of Alexandria’s Views of the Physical World.
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Arnaldez, Roger, and Jean Pouilloux. 1969.Philon d’Alexandrie, De aeternitate
mundi.Paris: Cerf.
Baldassarri, Mariano. 1993. “Le opere filosofiche di Filone Alessandrino.” InLa
filosofia antica.Vol. 2. Como: Luca della Robbia, 173-202.
Dillon, John M. 1996.The Middle Platonists, 80b.c.toa.d.220.Rev. ed. Ithaca,
N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
Frick, Peter. 1999.Divine Providence in Philo of Alexandria.Tübingen: Mohr
Hadas-Lebel, Mireille. 1973.Philon d’Alexandrie, De providentia I et II.Paris: Cerf.
Petit, Madeleine. 1974.Philon d’Alexandrie, Quod omnis probus liber sit.Paris: Cerf.
Reale, Giovanni. 1990.A History of Ancient Philosophy.Vol. 4. Albany: State Univer-
sity of New York Press.
Runia, David T. 1981. “Philo’s De Aeternitate Mundi: The Problem of Its Interpre-
tation.”Vigiliae Christianae35: 105-51.
¾¾¾. 1996. “Philon von Alexandrien.” InPhilosophie der Antike.Vol. 2. Ed.
Friedo Ricken. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 128-45.
Terian, Abraham. 1981.Philonis Alexandrini, De Animalibus.Chico, Calif.: Scholars
Winston, David. 1996. “Hellenistic Jewish Philosophy.” InHistory of Jewish Philoso-
phy.Ed. Daniel H. Frank and Oliver Leaman. London: Routledge, 38-61.

Apologetic Treatises
Barclay, John M. G. 2007.Against Apion.Leiden: Brill, 353-61.
Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm. 1987.Gesetz und Paränese: Katechismusartige Weisungs-
reihen in der frühjüdischen Literatur.Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 6-72.
Sterling, Gregory E. 1990. “Philo and the Logic of Apologetics: An Analysis of the
Hypothetica.”SBLSP.Atlanta: Scholars Press, 412-30.
¾¾¾. 2003. “Universalizing the Particular: Natural Law in Second Temple Jew-
ish Ethics.”SPhA15: 61-76.
On the Contemplative Life
Conybeare, Frederick C. 1895.Philo about the Contemplative Life.Oxford: Claren-
don; rpt. New York: Garland, 1987.


sterling, runia, niehoff, and van den hoek

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