Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
a chain of small, typical situations and events that led to unintended con-
sequences; in the process he tried consistently to redefine the standard
postwar image of the Judean national character. About fifteen years later,
inAntiquities–Life,he offered a detailed account of Judean history, culture,
and law from creation to his own time, masterfully distilling a single story
from the biblical narrative along the way. Again the focus is on the charac-
ter of this people with such a rich and ancient heritage of noble laws. His
final work (Apion) is a forceful and sometimes rollicking attack, appar-
ently designed for the same amenable audiences, on writers who have dis-
paraged the very aspects of the Judean character and constitution that his
Antiquitieshad celebrated.
Notwithstanding both traditional Christian and scholarly (ab)use, it is
becoming increasingly clear that we have in Josephus a major and ener-
getic spokesman for Judean culture in the Roman period.


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steve mason, james s. mclaren, and john m. g. barclay

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