Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Alexandrou basileZs). Due to limited variation in iconography and nomen-
clature, many questions about precise chronology and iconographical de-
velopment of specific types are still open.

Stepped, Plastered Pools

The earliest finds with a clear connection to Jewish religious practices are
stepped, plastered pools. The earliest examples are attested in Sepphoris,
where such pools were built into a former cistern sometime in the first half
of the first centuryb.c.e., and in the palaces at Jericho. The houses of the
new Jewish settlers in Gezer also had stepped pools, as did the palace-
fortress of Masada, the wealthy mansions and small houses in Jerusalem,
and the earliest phase of the settlement at Qumran. The evidence from
Qedumim in Samaria shows that Samaritans also built stepped pools in
the first centuryc.e.Although many of these installations served as ritual
baths(miqva}ot),it is far from certain that all stepped, plastered pools had
ritual purposes or that their form was standardized.

The Late Hellenistic Diaspora

Archaeological evidence for Jewish life in the Diaspora during the second
and first centuriesb.c.e.is limited. While we know from numerous writ-
ten sources that Judaism considerably expanded in the eastern Mediterra-
nean basin during the Ptolemaic and Seleucid periods, no architectural
structures and only a few inscriptions are known. Jewish “identity mark-
ers” such asmiqva}ot,stone vessels, and ossuaries are virtually absent from
the Diaspora.


Egypt must come first in our survey. One of the most influential events
for Diaspora Judaism was the foundation of Alexandria at the mouth of
the Nile in 321b.c.e.Jews soon became a large and influential part of the
city’s inhabitants and enjoyed its economic opportunities, far-reaching
contacts, and famous centers of Greek learning. Because few large-scale
excavations have been carried out in the area of the ancient city, and be-


Archaeology, Papyri, and Inscriptions

EERDMANS -- Early Judaism (Collins and Harlow) final text
Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:04:12 PM

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