Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
creation, Philo on, 265-67, 269-70, 274-
cryptic script, 206
Ctesiphon, 378
Cyprus, 385
Cyrenaica, 99
Cyrene, 35, 351, 376, 381, 387
Cyril of Alexandria, 185
Cyrus, 154

Damascus, 377, 378
Damascus Document,16, 20, 88, 216-17,
222-23, 224
Daniel, 12, 13, 19, 126, 186-87
Darius, 368
Davidic messiah, 430-31
Davidic monarchy, 155
Day of Atonement, 71, 73, 75
Dead Sea Scrolls, vii, 9, 16-20, 24, 130-
37, 151, 204-25, 353, 354-55
and apocalypticism, 12, 13, 15
Apocryphal books among, 188
and canon, 146-47
commentary-like texts, 163
covenantal nomism in, 7
and interest in Essenes, 83-84
pseudepigraphy among, 197-99, 214
Delos, 336, 379
Delphi, 336
Demetrius I, 42-44
Demetrius II, 44
Demetrius the Chronographer, 103, 128,
231, 232, 234, 242
Democritus, 274
determinism, 276, 429
Deuterocanonicals, 162, 181, 184, 185, 188,
191, 200
Deuteronomistic History, 123, 124
Deutero-Pauline epistles, 408
Diadochoi, 33
Diaspora Jews, 21-24, 71
anger of YHWH, 97
and Hellenization, 371
and land of Israel, 112-17
missionary efforts among, 399-400
religious freedom of, 373

Didache, 398
Didymus, 263
dietary laws, 107-8, 111, 243-44, 272, 374,
379, 393, 400, 415
Dio Chrysostom, 308
Diogenes, 276
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 239, 305
Dios, 309
“doctrine of return,” 113-15
Domitian, 63, 295-96, 297, 302, 311, 408
Dositheos, 46, 249, 372
dualism, of Dead Sea Scrolls, 429

early Judaism, vii
and Christianity, 391-417
and rabbinic Judaism, 420-34
eastern Orthodox churches, on canon,
Ebionites, 416
Egypt, 118, 381-85
Jewish-Greek antagonism in, 369-70
Jews in, 21-24, 31-32
papyri from, 360-61
Eighteen Benedictions, 415
{Ein Feshka, 341
{Ein Gedi, 352, 356-57
elders, 78
Eleazar (high priest), 300
Eleazar ben Ananias, 57
election, 393, 405, 417
Elephantine, 31, 71, 96, 99, 360
Elephantine Papyri, 360
emperors, 240-41
endogamy, 87, 107, 242-43
Enlightenment, 121
Enoch, First Book of,13-15, 17, 213
Enoch, Second Book of,4, 17, 194, 213,
229, 247
“Enochic Judaism,” 14, 18
Enosh, 271
Epaphroditus, 300, 303, 304
Ephesus, 379
Ephrem, 182
epic poetry, 229, 238
Epicurus, 274
Epiphanius, 187, 416


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